Hamas has already backed out of the hostage deal prior to today’s 11 AM signing of the agreement.
(1) Hamas has fired new missiles at Jews last night and this morning, and
(2) Hamas added a new last-minute “requirement” to name their prisoners returned by Israel.
Context: prisoners in Israel’s prisons have been tried and convicted in a legal court of law; hostages in Gaza have had no due process, no court hearing, they were guilty of no crime except continuing to exist.

Rocket on the Roof story: Early Tues morning around 3:05 AM, the IDF intercepted a missile heading into Israel from Yemen. Millions of Israelis, myself included, heard the air raid sirens locally and hopped out of bed to run to the bomb shelter. Eleven Israelis were injured while running, one died of heart attack. Next morning, this couple discovered that the shrapnel from the missile had landed directly on their home. In fact, the reason it did not penetrate further into the house is because once thru the roof, it landed directly on the bomb shelter (“safe room”) inside Zvika’s home.
Here’s the kicker: They only noticed hours later during their morning walk.
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Couple, out for a walk after overnight sirens, find chunk of Houthi missile on their roof: “’Aside from the unpleasantness of having a rocket land on your head, everything is okay,’ he said.”
Zvika Wexler, standing in front of his home, wearing a Yankees cap, Houthi missile on his roof didn’t fall all the way thru into the house at 3:05 am because it was stopped by the saferoom bomb shelter inside the home. They were inside that bomb shelter but didn’t notice the rocket on the roof until taking their morning walk several hours later.

Day 466: My cats woke me up when the air raid sirens sounded
“Two Arab officials told The Times of Israel on Tuesday that a ‘tense’ weekend meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Witkoff led to a breakthrough in the hostage negotiations, with the Trump aide doing more to sway the premier in a single sit-down than outgoing President Joe Biden did all year.”
Sources: https://www.timesofisrael.com/couple-out-for-walk-after-overnight-sirens-spot-piece-of-houthi-missile-on-their-roof/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-says-hell-use-gaza-ceasefires-momentum-to-expand-abraham-accords/