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Want a Ceasefire? Call Hamas–Here’s the Number

13 Dec 2023, Samaria: Israel’s envoy to the UN: “Call Hamas for a ceasefire. Here’s Yehya Sinwar’s phone number.”

This is the message Gilad Erdan delivered to the UN on behalf of Israel:
“If you want a cease fire, call him and tell him to release the hostages and surrender. No doubt, that is the quickest path to a cease fire!”

This is not a joke, even though it seems funny at first glance. The message is real. The nations want to make it seem as if the entire burden is on Israel.  But Hamas bears the burden.  Hamas declared war in the first place, Hamas took hostages, raped and murdered civilians in their beds, and continues the fight against a foe they can never beat.

If Hamas has its way, it will strike in surprise attacks again and again year after year, and then run back into its tunnels and plead for a cease fire. “Live to fight another day.”  If Israel has her way, Hamas will not be permitted to live to fight another day, and Gazans may, free from Hamas, choose a peaceful party to govern them.  Otherwise, someone else will select a party to govern the Gazans.  If Hamas survives, they will no doubt govern, and the war will last far too long.  If Gazans want peace, the first thing to do is to surrender and return the hostages.  Israel will treat the surrender properly according to international law.

Sinwar’s phone number: +970-599-373765.

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