Israeli Law in Area C

Israel, the USA, and the Gulf States are in discussions lately about how and when to apply Israeli law in Area C, that is, in 30% of the poorly-named “West Bank.”. The USA set this as a precondition for the two parties – Israel and the Palestinians – entering into negotiations to agree on final borders.

In any case, this part of Judea and Samaria would certainly end up in Israel. The USA wants this to be established (along with the Capital) before talks.

Bomb Shelter Bibles: Israeli Election Comments, 2 Timothy 2, and Flying Fish

Bomb Shelter Bibles

Bible teaching and news commentary from our bomb shelter in Samaria.
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How can we make sense of Israel’s election results? Can the Bible help us understand how to cope? The third election in 11 months, the March 2, 2020 results are in, again, with uncertainty. Will the parliament Knesset form a coalition, or will Israeli Jews and Arabs, and Druze voters go to the polls for the fourth time?