25 Jan 2024, Samaria: Hiding out under protection in US ally nation Qatar, Hamas bigwig billionaire Khaled Mashaal has said no to the two state solution.
So can we be done with that now? Can the Biden administration wake up and stop this fantasy? It’s been over 25 years since this failed idea was introduced at Oslo in 1994. It failed miserably because the Palestinians simply want there to be no Hebrew state, period; they want a one-state solution: It must be inhabited by Arabs only, just like Area A in the current setup. A Hebrew state must not exist anywhere in the world unless it is only there for them to destroy later. Below, see the report of an interview with the top leader of Hamas:

Palestinians simply cannot tolerate Hebrews ruling over anything at all; Hebrews can only be dhimmis, slaves, underlings, without any self-determination.
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Source: https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-bigwig-rejects-2-state-solution-says-oct-7-revived-dream-to-free-palestine/