Civilians at the Home Front


David Defense Packages: Vests and Home Supplies

Home Defense packages in bundles worth 1000 Shekels, for village families,

Plus, Bullet-proof vests for Civilian village guards and Reservists.

Our little towns in Area C and B are under-supplied – you can help Samaria and Judea survive.

SKU: N/A Category:

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$260 is 1000 Shekel Pkg, $300 = 1000 Shekel Pkg plus shipping, $350 = 1000 Shekel Pkg plus ship + Offering, $160 = 500 Shekel Half Pkg plus shipping, $690 Vest protects one guardian: vest + plate, $1380 2 vests protect two guardians, $1250 surveillance drone, $650 security camera night vision