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Prophesy with Harps

We see two main points from the first verse of 1 Chronicles 25:

First, Prophecy is much much more than a bearded guy with flaming eyes and brown sackloth flapping in the thunderstorm, with the ruins of the cities going up in flames in the background.

Prophecy also happens during worship, praise and adoration, even with musical instruments such as harps, drums, and cymbals. After all, Prophecy reveals the heart of Elohim. And His heart expresses the full range of emotions, not only anger. When He expresses what’s on His mind through the prophets, through the musicians, the preachers, and so forth, His Word brings love and life to His people.

The second thing we see in this verse is that music and prophecy comprise work. Those who prophesy with harps etc are called workmen.

Yeshua teaches that “the workman is worthy of his meat” (Matt 10:10). As a Worship Warrior King, David understood this principle, and used the resources of his kingdom to finance the room and board for the worshipers.

The writer is a Psalmist serving among the Messianic communities in Israel.  He is also a builder and distributor of 10-string harps. His studio production “Yerubilee” indie records have sold over 2,300 copies worldwide without touring.

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