27 Sept 2023, Samaria: Seculars protested against Security Minister’s religious stance with a provocative open-air mixed prayer on Yom Kippur; Ben-Gvir plans some sort of provocative counter prayer gathering in response. I observed on TV that the secular argument was like, “You pray in the synagogues with your own traditions, why block us from praying outside, in our own way?” The religious argument was, “Seculars, reform, and orthodox prayed with us in my synagogue in Jerusalem and had no problem following our traditions. Why do you provoke us by doing that out in the open like that?” Complicated.

“Ben-Gvir plans protest prayer after Kippur clashes; Herzog: Pouring oil on flames threatens unity; Coalition MKs oppose security minister’s move,” and “US furious over ‘premature’ announcement on visa waiver,” Jerusalem Post, 27 Sept 2023 pg 1.