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Neither Philistina nor Palestina existed in Y’shua’s day

…and thus He surely could not have a Palestinian keffiyeh (headscarf) for swaddling clothes.

In an astounding public display, the Vatican has requested Christmas gifts from Bethlehem this year, as an opportunity to display their support for Arabs in their war against the Jews.

No surprise here, really, since the Vatican State has officially recognized Palestine, but not Israel:

In December 2023, just 2 months after the Hamas & Hez war against Israel began on Oct 7 and 8, 2023, the Vatican recognized a state of palestine.

And yet, since 1948 the Vatican has never recognized the State of Israel.


Statues from Bethlehem, made of olive wood, and baby Jesus.


The Roman Empire did not rename Israel & Judea as “Palestina” until after their destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.  Y’shua died, rose again, and ascended in 30 AD. Thus, it’s impossible to rewrite history to say that Jesus was an Arab, or a Palestinian.  Catholics surely know the true history on this, yet they choose to lie to the nations.

They’ve also declared Israel as guilty of genocide, even though they full well are aware that the population of Gaza is increasing, not decreasing.

Further, in Gaza the ratio of civilian to militant casualties is just 1.5:1 – the lowest ratio of any urban warfare worldwide, historically.

But the Pope and his organization lie and say that Israel is guilty of genocide, saying nothing of the Gazans actual genocidal actions against Jews.  The Roman organization does not even mention Hamas by name, nor its atrocities against Jews, nor its genocidal intent to create “another thousand October sevens.”

Official Roman Church doctrine is Replacement Theology: the “Church” has replaced “Israel.”  Muslim theology teaches the same; as does the Jehovah’s Witnesses.  All three organizations believe that they are the new “nation,” and that YHWH has turned His back on Israel forever.

I wonder what would happen if these three organizations could fight it out among themselves, to see which one gets to be the new nation of YAH?

Yet, Romans 11 clearly taught the non-Jewish believers: “Do not boast against the cultivated branches” because YAH can and will graft them in again.


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