27 Nov 2023, Samaria: Spain and Belgium held a bizarre press conference, attempting to speak for Europe. They called for elevating Gaza from terrorist enclave to full-fledged nation. Quoting from Herb Keinon’s article: “…In other words, some 3,000 Hamas terrorists invade Israel, murder, rape, burn, mutilate, and plunder, and their reward from Spain will be to be recognized as an independent state.”

As for the Prime Minister of Ireland, at best, he simply did not realize how the word “lost” would sound to Israelis who speak English as a second language, or, he misapplied a Scripture from Matthew which would be unfamiliar to Jews, and is inappropriate to the situation even for Christian audiences; or at worst, the PM minimized the trauma of Emily Hand and her family, a 4 year old girl caught up in a triple war crime situation. Emily’s parents were murdered before her eyes, then she was held hostage and denied Red Cross visits for 50 days. A triple war crime.

Is this Catholic antisemitism at work? One remembers that decades ago, Irish leaders congratulated Hitler. The current Irish PM’s more lengthy statement acknowledged that little Emily was a hostage, but did not mention Hamas or terrorism, and did not mention that she was captured as part of a war crime.
However, Germany is doing much better: