Hezbollah shot up a church in Northern Israel

27 Dec 2023, Samaria:  Firing from Lebanon, Hezbollah forces fired at the St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church in Northern Israel, wounding an 80 year old man, who we would presume to be an Israeli Christian.

When Jewish soldiers from the Israel Defense Force showed up to rescue the man, Hezbollah fired again, moderately injuring 8 while seriously injuring 1 soldier.

Like Hamas, Hezbollah does not care about the international laws of war.


Screen grab from Times of Israel, 27 Dec 2023.
Screen grab from Times of Israel, 27 Dec 2023.


Pray for our work.




Source:  https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-9-troops-hurt-including-1-seriously-while-evacuating-wounded-man-from-church-hit-by-hezbollah/