Fatah in Judea & Samaria has no unity with Hamas

30 June 2024, Samaria:  Hamas has cells and agents in Lebanon, Syria, Judea & Samaria; its leadership is sheltered in 5-star hotels in US ally Qatar, while its military leadership and its remaining battalions wage war from Gaza.

Back in 2000-2003, Hussam Badram was a Hamas leader of the military wing in Judea and Samaria (aka West Bank); today, Badram is in Qatar.  Just now, he has issued several paragraphs calling for Arabs in Judea and Samaria to fire upon Israeli vehicles:

“We are working to expand the resistance in the West Bank. I ask every person in the West Bank who carries a weapon, officially or unofficially, to fulfill his responsibility, because every person with a weapon in the West Bank can make a difference and have a qualitative impact,” says Hussam Badran, a former leader of Hamas’s military wing in the northern West Bank who orchestrated several terror attacks against Israelis during the Second Intifada, and lives today in Qatar. (Times of Israel, 2024-06-30)

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Every week, I see someone on the internet saying “Hamas is not in the west bank!”  Obviously, they are in a Western nation and do not know much about the Middle East; but their motive is to falsely claim that the IDF is merely racist for arresting Hamas fighters in Samaria.

Not only is Hamas in the “west bank,” i.e. Judea and Samaria, but if elections were held today, Palestinians would vote for Hamas.

70% of Palestinians in Judea and Samaria agree with Hamas’ attack on Oct 7th, 2023.  This agrees with the majority of the Gazan population.


The article further claims that Fatah and Hamas were scheduled to have unity negotiations this June in China, but these plans have fallen apart due to the lack of agreement between them.

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