28 Dec 2023, Samaria: Taking a moment to debunk blatant lies about Israel:
1) “From the river to the sea” is a slogan repeated in the streets around the world; it does not mean liberation, nor a two-state solution; it is a rallying cry for genocide of Jewish Israel.
2) “Intifada” is an uprising against Jewish rule, not legitimate resistance nor peaceful resistance; it is somewhere between protest and revolution. The lie here is that Israel has not occupied nor ruled Gaza since 2005.
3) Israel’s Jews are mostly people of color from the Middle East and North Africa, and not colonists by any definition.
4) If Israel were committing genocide, how then has the Palestinian population gone 5x since 1960? It is Hamas that is genocidal. 1

Article by Ted Deutch, American Jewish Committee CEO. Jerusalem Post, 28 Dec 2023, pg 9.
And to address one little lie regarding Arabs in Judea and Samaria: No, actually, there are zero “lone wolf” Jews attacking Arabs unprovoked, in Judea and Samaria (west bank) or anywhere else:
Video provided by “Ezri ToBe,” who responded to President Biden for slander against the Israelis living in Judea and Samaria. Original: https://t.co/77MSrMeymO
So that’s a brief summary of some of the responses to five often repeated lies about Israel regarding its conflict with Gaza as well as the Arabs living in Judea and Samaria.