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Did Biden pre-approve Iran’s attack?

MEMRI has put forward an idea that Iran asked the USA for permission to launch a giant face-saving attack on Israel, coordinated so as to cause no damage; and that this would be similar to the US sanctioned Iranian attack on a US base after the US killed Soleimani.
If Israel knows what MEMRI knows then this complicates Israel’s response to Iran, knowing that the biggest ally, USA, allowed it even without Israel’s knowledge or consent.

Why is the USA so concerned with the Mullahs saving face to maintain their tyranny over the Middle East?

Simultaneously, USA published open statements by Charles Schumer and Joe Biden calling for the overthrow of the Israeli government.

That’s exactly the opposite of what the USA should do.

Iran responds to this US kindness by complaining to the UNSC:

“US, Israel call on UNSC to condemn Iran’s attack, but no action taken,” Jerusalem Post, 16 April 2024 pg 2.

Jerusalem Post, 16 April 2024 pg 2.

It’s possible that the Israeli military was secretly warned about this plan, or on the other hand, perhaps Israel was purposely kept in the dark if CENTCOM lied to Israel 2 days before the attack:

Jerusalem Post, 16 April 2024 pg 2.

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