China has hosted talks for Hamas to build unity with Fatah, which ended yesterday.
Backstory: Hamas is an international Sunni Muslim organization with founding documents which commit the organization to the complete destruction of Israel.
Fatah is a Sunni Muslim local organization in control of the Palestinian Authority (PA), based in Ramallah, in Judea & Samaria. Fatah is the current manifestation of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) which was exiled from Israel on the basis that it’s purpose of existence was to destroy Israel completely. Under peace agreements, the PLO was brought out of exile under Yasser Arafat, renamed to Fatah, and placed at the head of a formative new state – still committed to the destruction of Israel.
Fatah prefers a slow diplomatic process to destroy Israel, while Hamas prefers a quicker more aggressive path. This is why there have been many fights and disagreements between them.
Plot twist: Iran sponsors Hamas and wants Hamas to switch to Shia Muslim instead of Sunni Muslim.