Interjú: Ariel és Hannah Izraelben

Interjú: Ariel és Hannah Izraelben:  Ariel és Hannah Schwartz, egy gyülekezeti zenekar tagjai, Teddy Chadwick számára Izraelben. Imádkozzon Teddy szolgálatának, a “Dávid Jeruzsálem sátorának” szolgálatának támogatása iránt:


Kadosh – Piano, Harp, Voices, Drums

Kadosh: Captured live in the Congregation haMaayan, in Kfar Saba, Israel, Pastor Tony Sperandeo. August 3, 2019:

Music Director: Teddy Chadwick
Drums (no microphones): Vladimir Kaplan
Vocal: Hannah Schwartz
Harp & Piano & Vocal: Teddy Chadwick
Sound Mix & Computers: Daniel Fischer & Rachely Rachewsky Scapa

This particular Shabbat was one of those times where no matter how early we started to set up, soundcheck, and rehearse (9:30 am), everyone worked very hard to get all the technicalities together smoothly. Nevertheless, we were forced to take a leap of faith. By 10:50, we all needed a short break before starting the meeting at 11:00, and yet, we had not had time to rehearse all the songs. The lyrics were ok in the projection system, and this song Kadosh was one of the songs that we simply reviewed verbally for 3 seconds, along with about 3 other songs.

When this happens, we plan on flowing with the Ruach haKodesh and come what may, whatever mistakes occur, we are committed to keeping the music going while keeping our focus on Him and not ourselves. In advance, we lay aside any embarrassment and blame, and we commit everything unto the glory of Messiah, Yeshua of Nazareth.

When we came to it, the Spirit really moved, so much so that several people from the congregation have been pestering me for awhile afterwards asking for a recording. Evidently, the errors and mishaps did not interfere with the anointing, because lives were touched and changed in a special way.

Lyric translation:
There’s only one word to say
One word to describe

Kadosh, Kadosh
Adonai Our God, Almighty

There is no one like You
You are Kadosh
Kadosh are You

Respect YHWH: This Leads to Blessing

We see here in Tehillim 130 that when the Father grants forgiveness, it leads to reverence and respect. What better way for one to respond, who has been forgiven!

Next we see in Tehillim 128 that fearing YHWH leads to great blessing. This is a very common theme in the Psalms. See Tehillim 1, 19, and 119. See the pattern of those numbers there?

YHWH is great!

PS: Yes I did notice the page number of my Bible for Psalm 130. Ha! YHWH owns all the numeros.