300 days

300 days is the discussion on Israeli media this morning. Let’s maintain prayer according to 1 Timothy 2 so that kings and leaders will come to Faith in Y’shua.

Israelis have not seen their brother, sister, mother, grandfather, held in captivity 300 days since Oct 7. Reserve soldiers on duty have closed their businesses, lost jobs, or lost life or limb.

Israel scored a victory this week – rather than attack Arab civilians the way Muslims attack Jews, Israel assassinated leaders – one Hezbollah leader in Beirut and the main #1 Hamas leader in Tehran. The current USA administration is only making a hostage deal more impossible as they scold Israel and not Hamas about a ceasefire. Talk like this only emboldens Hamas and Hezbollah- as we saw last Shabbat with the soccer field Iranian missile.

2024-08-01 News Update

Jerusalem Post, Aug 1 2024 pg 9.
Jerusalem Post, Aug 1 2024 pg 1.



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US Administration snubs Israel again

When politicians enable assassinations

Noa and Bibi fly to the USA

Oct 7 Victims Sue the UN, N. Korea, Iran, Syria in Court

Hamas is losing the war, but makes demands as if they are winning

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When politicians enable assassinations

The environment in Israel is similar to that which led up to the Rabin assassination: Full of political smears. However, this time the attacks against the Prime Minister come not only from media and activists, but institutions.

This bears a lot of similarity to the violent environment in US culture which has enabled a serious assassination attempt against candidate Trump less than two weeks ago.

Jerusalem Post, 25 July 2024, pg 9.

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US Administration snubs Israel again

Joe Biden as Vice President (which is the President of the Senate) boycotted Netanyahu’s speech in 2015 to the joint session of Congress.

Now in 2024, President of the Senate Kamala Harris – also current VP as well as Presidential candidate hopeful – has again boycotted Israel’s first appearance to the joint session in four years.

Jerusalem Post, 25 July 2024, pg 9.

Jerusalem Post, 25 July 2024, pg 9.


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Chinese Arab unity talks getting results?

China has hosted talks for Hamas to build unity with Fatah, which ended yesterday.

Backstory: Hamas is an international Sunni Muslim organization with founding documents which commit the organization to the complete destruction of Israel.

Fatah is a Sunni Muslim local organization in control of the Palestinian Authority (PA), based in Ramallah, in Judea & Samaria. Fatah is the current manifestation of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) which was exiled from Israel on the basis that it’s purpose of existence was to destroy Israel completely. Under peace agreements, the PLO was brought out of exile under Yasser Arafat, renamed to Fatah, and placed at the head of a formative new state – still committed to the destruction of Israel.

Fatah prefers a slow diplomatic process to destroy Israel, while Hamas prefers a quicker more aggressive path. This is why there have been many fights and disagreements between them.

Plot twist: Iran sponsors Hamas and wants Hamas to switch to Shia Muslim instead of Sunni Muslim.

Jerusalem Post, 24 July 2024 pg 1.

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Noa and Bibi fly to the USA

Kanaf Zion, Israel’s official state plane for leaders was formerly a rented plane, but now is an Israeli-owned and customized 2nd-hand modified Boeing 767-338ER bought from Australia Airlines; and this is the first trip an Israeli PM has made a USA trip in 4 years.

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The plane’s name means “Wing of Zion” in English, and this is the first flight that this particular plane has carried an Israeli leader. Bibi persuaded several hostage families, both current and former, to join on this trip. Other families declined but said they don’t hold ill will for those who accepted.

Rescued hostage Noa Argamani and father Yaakov are among those who did join this flight. She was recently brought back from Gaza to Israel in that daring and deadly rescue mission where she was imprisoned by Gazan civilians. Her boyfriend Avinatan Or remains in captivity. While on the plane her father Yaakov Argamani called for a minyan of 10 men to cite Kaddish in memory of his recently deceased wife (and Noa’s mother) Liora Argamani, who was born in China. Some of the Israeli hostage families declined Bibi’s invitation to travel to the USA with him. If Netanyahu’s meetings become delayed until Friday, he and his team will stay in the USA until after sunset Saturday night to observe the Shabbat.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new VIP transport aircraft
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new VIP transport aircraft (Israel National News)


Let’s pray for YAH’s plans to be fulfilled thru Bibi’s meetings with joint houses of Congress, as well as lame duck President Biden, and VP Harris; Bibi has asked candidate & former President Trump for a meeting, but Trump has not declined nor agreed as he has a rally scheduled Wed evening in Charlotte, NC.

2024-07-23 News Update


Rescued Four Hostages

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World War against liberal democracy

This war is not simply in the Middle East: Around the world, narcissistic wannabe tyrants are at war against the population.
How convenient for them that Muslims religiously view representative governments as sinful, and are ready to assist the representative governments on their path towards oppression.

This provides the would-be tyrants with the “useful idiots” willing to “burn it all down.”

“The world war against liberal democracy,” Jerusalem Post, July 10 2024 pg. 9.
French political philosopher Jean-Francois Revel described the ignorant world as willing to believe that destruction is preferable to reform:

“The world war against liberal democracy,” Jerusalem Post, July 10 2024 pg. 9.

“The world war against liberal democracy,” Jerusalem Post, July 10 2024 pg. 9.

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Source: https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-809642

Oct 7 Victims Sue the UN, N. Korea, Iran, Syria in Court

When terrorist states are sued in USA courts, the terrorist states do not pay the fines.  There is a fund set up by the US Congress which collects fees from Americans who have done business with states which sponsor terror, as labeled by Congress.  Also, funds from terror states are sometimes captured and added to the fund.

At this point there are two lawsuits in progress.  Victims and their families of Oct 7 are suing the UN agency for $1B for working to support terrorists; and in the second lawsuit, several billions are sought, if it is proven that Iran, N. Korea, and Syria, all state sponsors of terrorism, are found guilty of supporting Hamas in its training and equipment used against civilians on Oct. 7.

UN vehicles with Hamas gunmen in a drone photo released by the IDF.

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Source:  https://www.timesofisrael.com/october-7-victims-sue-iran-syria-north-korea-for-billions-in-us-court/


Hamas is losing the war, but makes demands as if they are winning

To lay this out one point after the other:

  • Israel has proved that the UN’s UNHCR operation in Gaza has been involved in fighting against Jews, participating in the attacks of October 7th, posing as staff working for Doctors Without Borders,  and brainwashing Gazan schoolchildren for violence;
  • Israel has called for UNHCR to be dismantled;
  • The nations have said that UNHCR cannot be dismantled without some plan for what happens the day after the war;
  • In Gaza, Hamas has refused to discuss the “day after” plan.

For example, Hussam Badram has said that the Hamas leadership has “categorically refused at all stages of the negotiations to discuss the day after the war” in the Gaza Strip.  Badram appears to make it clear that his statement has been coordinated with Sinwar, the Gaza leader of Hamas.

Hussam Badram was a Northern Samaria leader of a Hamas military group during the years 2000-2003, and like other Hamas leaders, now lives in Qatar, an ally of the US.


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If Hamas is losing, and knows it cannot win against the IDF, why would they continue to act belligerently like this?  It seems Hamas is confident that the nations has their back no matter what they do.

Hamas seems to think they can agree to a permanent ceasefire with Israel, maintain that ceasefire for years, break the ceasefire by surprise on October 7th, get a recognized state as a prize, and then launch further attacks against the Jewish state, agree to a permanent ceasefire…. You get the idea. Rinse and repeat.

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Fatah in Judea & Samaria has no unity with Hamas

30 June 2024, Samaria:  Hamas has cells and agents in Lebanon, Syria, Judea & Samaria; its leadership is sheltered in 5-star hotels in US ally Qatar, while its military leadership and its remaining battalions wage war from Gaza.

Back in 2000-2003, Hussam Badram was a Hamas leader of the military wing in Judea and Samaria (aka West Bank); today, Badram is in Qatar.  Just now, he has issued several paragraphs calling for Arabs in Judea and Samaria to fire upon Israeli vehicles:

“We are working to expand the resistance in the West Bank. I ask every person in the West Bank who carries a weapon, officially or unofficially, to fulfill his responsibility, because every person with a weapon in the West Bank can make a difference and have a qualitative impact,” says Hussam Badran, a former leader of Hamas’s military wing in the northern West Bank who orchestrated several terror attacks against Israelis during the Second Intifada, and lives today in Qatar. (Times of Israel, 2024-06-30)

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Every week, I see someone on the internet saying “Hamas is not in the west bank!”  Obviously, they are in a Western nation and do not know much about the Middle East; but their motive is to falsely claim that the IDF is merely racist for arresting Hamas fighters in Samaria.

Not only is Hamas in the “west bank,” i.e. Judea and Samaria, but if elections were held today, Palestinians would vote for Hamas.

70% of Palestinians in Judea and Samaria agree with Hamas’ attack on Oct 7th, 2023.  This agrees with the majority of the Gazan population.


The article further claims that Fatah and Hamas were scheduled to have unity negotiations this June in China, but these plans have fallen apart due to the lack of agreement between them.

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