Three injured in Judea ramming

2 April 2023, Hebron: Last night after Shabbat, a Palestinian Authority security force officer allegedly rammed a car into Jewish pedestrians in the road, injuring three.

Jerusalem Post, 2 April 2023 pg 1.

Please pray about supporting us while we continue to work under difficult circumstances.

Wheel of Stars and Biblical Calendar

Four Calendar Laws:

1) The New Moon nearest the start of spring (time of Vernal Equinox) is always Abib.

2) The New Moon is defined as a Dark Moon, starting from the sunset that follows lunar conjunction.

3) Keep Shabbat where you live but Feasts on Jerusalem Standard Time.*

4) The Omer count begins on the 16th of Abib, ends on Shavuot 50 days later and can hit any day of the week.


Expanded in detail in this pdf:

The 4 Calendar Laws pdf

– Andrew Gabriel Roth, Wheel of Stars.


Shareable link to this page:

* Once the Feast has arrived according to JST, start the feast when the sunset arrives where you are for that JST day of the month.  As for weekly Shabbats, they begin where you live when the local sunset ends the sixth day of the week.

When is the Passover Lamb Eaten?

Guest Article Post: When is the Passover Lamb Eaten? From the Aramaic English New Testament:

All the below photos collected into one PDF:

When is the Passover Lamb Eaten?

Page photos:

Aramaic English New Testament (AENT), Netzari Press, 5th Edition, pg 1034.


Aramaic English New Testament (AENT), Netzari Press, 5th Edition, pg 1035.


Aramaic English New Testament (AENT), Netzari Press, 5th Edition, pg 1036.


Aramaic English New Testament (AENT), Netzari Press, 5th Edition, pg 1037.


Aramaic English New Testament (AENT), Netzari Press, 5th Edition, pg 1038.


Aramaic English New Testament (AENT), Netzari Press, 5th Edition, pg 1039.


Aramaic English New Testament (AENT), Netzari Press, 5th Edition, pg 1040.




Countering Totalitarianism

Fortunately, we have literature which has survived tyrannies, written by those who opposed them:

Thomas Paine on tyranny.


Václav Havel on a segment of society that extricates itself from involvement in a totalitarian system.


Carl Jung (a Methodist pastor’s son) on shining a beacon of hope to others.




Protests in Israel

28 Mar 2023: While many feel the protests are necessary, others see that it’s not worthwhile to shut the nation down over the issues:

Jerusalem Post, 28 Mar 2024 pg 9.


The stated purpose of the legislation is to build a balance of power between the three branches of government.

Jerusalem Post, 28 Mar 2024 pg 2.


Keep Israel in prayers for peace.

Car riddled by 20 bullets

21 Mar 2023, Samaria Update on David Stern:

Jerusalem Post, 21 Mar 2023 pg 2.

20 Mar 2023, Samaria: In the second Palestinian shooting against Jews who were driving thru Huwara in three weeks, a former US Marine, a dual citizen in his 30’s was severely wounded, while his wife fainted.

Jerusalem Post, 20 Mar 2023 pg 1.


Huwara is located near Nablus (Shechem), about 20 minutes from here. Keep us in prayer for protection as we do our work in a troubled area of the world.

Three weeks ago, two sons of a schoolteacher in my village were shot and killed while driving a car through Huwara.

See article: Clashes in Samaria


Israel in peace talks with PA; Hamas protests using a rocket

19 Mar 2023 Samaria: With Ramadan approaching, Israel seeks to make peace and restore police cooperation between Palestinian police and Israeli police.  In order to protest these peace talks, Hamas (the ruling Palestinian party in Gaza) fired a rocket towards a Jewish village outside of Gaza. 

Jerusalem Post, 19 Mar 2023 pg 1.

Screenshot showing the time and location of the rocket attack which landed in the Nachal Oz area near Gaza.

Israelis still united

13 Mar, 2023, Samaria: Amidst domestic issues, political upheavals, demonstrations, Israelis of various stripes and opinions still have enemies in the same land who would like to make all Jews disappear forever.

Jerusalem Post, 13 Mar 2023 pg 9.


This broad-daylight shooting occurred in a section of Tel Aviv where I pass through regularly; in fact, this afternoon I’ll be in that area again.  Please pray for the work here, in difficult conditions.

While Israel bickers over judicial issues, Arabs fire on Jewish shoppers

21 Mar 2023 Update on Or Eshkar, may he rest in peace:

Jerusalem Post, 21 Mar 2023 pg 1.


9 Mar 2023, Tel Aviv Dizengoff Center:

Jerusalem Post, 10 Mar 2023 pg 1.


This comes one day after Arab leaders called for more violence to protest Israel’s reactions to their terrorism:

Jerusalem Post, 9 Mar 2023

As it turns out, many areas and highways were closed yesterday due to Israeli demonstrations.

Israel does not yet have a Constitution; as a result, there is still a great need for finding balance between the Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and Legislative Branch.  As it stands, Israel is not up to modern standards for free societies with this lack of balance.

Please pray, because we serve in a troubled place.


Clashes in Samaria

Samaria Closed for Purim

6 Mar, 2023, Samaria: Some say that Israel is already suffering in the third Intifada. The numbers of deaths by terrorist actions during the first two months of 2023 has already exceeded some entire years.

“Amid rise in attacks, IDF imposes closure on West Bank for Purim,” Jerusalem Post, 6 Mar 2023 pg 1.


Please continue in prayer, we carry on the work here in trying times.