Egypt, Jordan consider Trump’s solution

“The simple fact is that had the Arab states accepted the UN partition plan of November 1947, there would have been a Palestinian Arab state alongside Israel, and not a single Palestinian Arab would have become a refugee…”

Jerusalem Post, 3 Feb 2025 pg 9.

“On March 8, 1948, the Arab Higher Committee ordered most Arabs in parts of Jerusalem to leave their homes. The order stated that ‘any opposition to this order is an obstacle to the holy war and will hamper the operations of the fighters in these districts.’”


“Since 1948 we have been demanding the return of the refugees to their homes. But we ourselves are the ones who encouraged them to leave. Only a few months separated our call to them to leave and our appeal to the United Nations to resolve on their return.” – Khaled al-Azm, Syrian Prime Minister, 1948.


Full article:

Jerusalem Post, 3 Feb 2025 pg 9.

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Source: Jerusalem Post, 3 Feb 2025 pg 9.

Hamas pretties up the POWs before release

Hamas cares so much about their global reputation that they increase nutrition and care for their POWs in the final weeks leading up to their release. Also: A new/used trashbin to spruce up a friend’s home; and, a good message appears “randomly” on my ereader.

Jerusalem Post, 27 Jan 2025 pg 1.

And this is the wire mesh trashcan, rust scraped, and repainted, ready to deliver to a friend:

And this is a new screensaver loaded onto my antique e-ink ereader:

I’ve used this ereader since around 2009 or so, and since it’s still physically functioning, I think with a few refreshes and updates it can still continue to work.  It runs slow but it does have lots of Bible translations installed so that’s cool.

But if I get another ereader, I’m for sure copying this screensaver over!




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Source: Jerusalem Post, 27 Jan 2025 pg 1.

Will Israel implement a death penalty for terrorists?

Day 473: We are seeing about a 1:30 ratio.  One Israeli hostage, usually a girl taken from a party or from her bed in her pajamas, traded for 27 killers tried and convicted by evidence in the court of law.
Israel may be pushed towards a law regarding death penalty for terrorists. Currently there is no death penalty. Exceptions were made for prosecution of mass murderers from the Shoah (Holocaust) and that exception may possibly become the law, eventually.

Jerusalem Post, 21 Jan 2025 pg 5.


“The thought that the terrorist who killed [my] brother a decade ago and is set to be released in the hostage deal will ‘sit in fresh air in Turkey and eat a kebab is impossible to grasp,’ reporter Yair Cherki said on Channel 12 on Shabbat…”
Jerusalem Post, 21 Jan 2025 pg 5.

The more examples of 30 convicted murderers being traded for one Israeli woman taken hostage in her pajamas, the great the likelihood:

Jerusalem Post, 21 Jan 2025 pg 9.

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Jerusalem Post, 21 Jan 2025 pg 5 & 9..

Israel Reacts to USA Inauguration as Trump Sworn Into Office

In the midst of hostage returns, it’s fascinating to see which parts of the Inauguration are singled out for headline focus in Israel.

Israel HaYom puts Mr. and Mrs Trump as primary, but with a significant portion, about 40% of front page, to the left, about the 4 new hostages released on day 2 of the deal:

Israel haYom, 21 Jan 2025 pg 1.

That Trump headline translates “Golden Age Begins Now.”

Jerusalem Post placed the focus on Trump who gave the glory to Elohim for preserving his life, for a purpose of restoring freedom according to the Constitution in the USA:

Jerusalem Post, 21 Jan 2025 pg 1.

Yes, those are my avocados and a rose in a vase, on my coffee table.

Thank You for your Prayer and for Supporting this work in a troubled Land.

A look at Jpost below the fold reveals the #2 focus on treaties and hostages:

Jerusalem Post, 2025-01-21 pg 1.

Thank You for your Prayer and for Supporting this work in a troubled Land.

Sources: Jerusalem Post, Israel HaYom.

Cats viewing the Trump Inauguration on TV

🇺🇸 Indoor Ceremony, due to Assassination Risks: Singer Carrie Underwood had to improvise and sing a cappella since the playback equipment mysteriously failed, whereas it worked fine in all other cases.  Perhaps the words were planned to be on display for the audience to sing along, since she then said “You know the words, please sing them with me,” and then A Cappella, she sang the very Godly original National Anthem which proclaims “God shed His Grace on Thee.” The new Anthem initiated in the 60’s bears no mention of the Creator.



Bomb Shelter Bibles channel:

Day 472: Emily, Romi, and Doron released

UK-Israeli Emily Damari says she lost 2 fingers on Oct 7; Romi Gonen sends thanks to her community via voice message; Doron Steinbrecher’s family thanks the public on her behalf.

Jerusalem Post, 20 Jan 2025 pg 1.
Israel HaYom, 20 Jan 2025 pg 1.

And now the situation then becomes even more dangerous for those left behind; so it’s crucial to pray for the 95 who remain hostage in Gaza; and for their families.

Hamas declared victory over Israel. But wait a minute, I thought they claimed it was a genocide? If both can be true, it would be the first in history:

Yes, truly, because of this deal, Hamas has declared victory, AND recruited 20,000 new fighters (the population is 2.3 million in Gaza.  The war did not significantly reduce that number):

Below, I’ve curated a few more select vids on the topic.

Messianic Israeli-American political expert and author, Joel Rosenburg:

Interview with one IDF Lieutenant, with a negative opinion on the deal:

Israeli civilian Yishai Fleischer with one citizen viewpoint, filmed just prior to the release of Romi, Emily, and Doron:

This video from Israel My Channel contains some fantastic 3D renders of the Gaza neighborhood and the UN jeeps carrying the ladies out. Give him a follow at x/israelmychannel, telegram, and patreon.

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Jerusalem Post, 20 Jan 2025 pg 1.

Israel HaYom, Jan 20 2025 pg. 1.