Wars and Rumors of Wars: The news industry has loudly speculated that Israel is on the verge of a full-scale preemptive attack on Hezbollah; The aim would be to push the Islamist army north of the Litani river (as the UN promised to enforce, when Israel agreed to withdraw in 2006; the UN utterly failed). But in that scenario, while Israel is pushing “the party of Allah” north of the river in southern Lebanon, Hezbollah would fire at Israel civilian centers from its stockpile of 130,000 long range heavy missiles (which the UN was supposed to prevent from reaching Lebanon from Syria – and failed).
Jerusalem Post, 1 March 2024, pg 1.
However, that rumor might all be a USA ploy to pressure Hezbollah into a peace agreement; Of course, now that this potential ploy is published in the “free press,” any manipulation effect is gone; Thus, Hezbollah would now have less reason to accept a peace agreement, not more.
Is the press paying attention? Are they aware that enemies in non-free nations are reading what gets published in the open nations?
Ori Megidish was an observation soldier at the Nahal Oz post; she was taken as a hostage by Hamas on Oct 7 at age 18, and later she was rescued by October 30th in the first successful IDF rescue mission in two decades. She was brought back from Gaza to Kyriat Gat, Israel amid celebrations in her town. On Jan 11 she met President Herzog and now, late in February, she has returned to active duty.
Screenshot from Times of Israel taken on 26 Feb, 2024.
The IDF spoke of Ori’s “personal desire and sense of mission to serve the country.”
In a rare case of agreement, the Unity Government in Israel has 100% turned down Biden’s recommendation for a Palestinian state to be created. As Israel sees it, that would be “a prize in return for terror.”
The Cabinet agrees completely with the statement from the Prime Minister’s Office:
“Israel rejects out-of-hand international diktats on a permanent settlement with the Palestinians. A settlement such as this can only be reached via direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions. Israel will continue to oppose unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. Such recognition, after the massacre of October 7, will award a massive prize for terror, an unprecedented prize, and prevent any future peace agreement.”
Cabinet member Gideon Saar agreed, saying that creating a Palestinian state now would be exactly like sacrificing Czechoslovakia to Hitler in 1938.
The only dissenters are former Knesset members from the Left who did not win any recent elections.
Times of Israel screenshot captured on 18 Feb, 2024.
13 Feb 2024, Samaria: Yesterday, world media claimed that Israel was bombing Rafah completely to hell and wiping out all the Gazans.
Today we learn that Israel’s Shin Bet and IDF have rescued Luis Har, age 70, and Fernando Marman, 61, from Rafah in Gaza.
Apparently, Israel wasn’t bombing everything to smithereens in Rafah, after all. And why would Israel do so? Jews value all life, even Arabs, and even the hostages, obviously.
Israel only bombs military targets — such as United Nations buildings that are concealing missiles — but only when said buildings have no people there.
Obviously Israel is very careful and that’s how hostages get rescued.
And that’s also why the overall population of Gaza will not statistically decrease.
28 Jan 2024, Samaria: In 2005, the United Nations General Assembly voted to remember International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan 27 each year, the date of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp.
However, this is separate from the Israeli “Yom haShoah” (Day of the Holocaust) which has been memorialized in spring of each year in Israel ever since 1949.
28 Jan 2024, Samaria: Background: The UN has a refugee agency for resettling all the refugees of the world into new, safe places. That’s called UNHCR. Separately, the UN has a separate agency for the Palestinian refugees, called the UNRWA, which is uninterested in resettling any of its refugees.
6 Feb 2024 update: This video gets the idea across quite well:
Now: The UNRWA has just been found guilty of participating in the massacre against Israeli people on Oct 7. Nine nations, including Finland, Germany and Scotland, have already withdrawn their financial support of UNRWA. At least 12 UNRWA staffers actively participated in the massacre of Israeli people on Oct. 7.
The IDF has said every UNRWA building they found in Gaza contains missiles and guns intended for killing Jews. Every school, every building run by the UNRWA has been converted for military use by Gaza.
The head of the UNRWA is dismayed that anyone found out about these twelve staffers, and shocked at the penalty that his agency will now suffer.
Screen shot captured from Jerusalem Post on 28 Jan 2024.
from Jerusalem Post:
“Congratulations to the US, UK, Italy, Canada, Finland, and Australia for the decision to stop funding UNRWA.
“‘The time has come to establish an alternative organization that will not educate generations of Palestinian children in hatred and will not cooperate with Hamas terrorism.” – Opposition Leader Yair Lapid
“We have been warning for years: UNRWA perpetuates the ‘refugee problem,’ distances peace, and serves as a civilian arm of Hamas in Gaza,” wrote Katz on X, and called on the UN to take “immediate personal steps” against the leaders of the organization. – Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, on X and in the Jerusalem Post
Katz also demanded that the UN fire the heads of UNRWA and immediately open an investigation into the employees’ involvement in the October 7 massacre. – Jerusalem Post
28 Jan 2024, Samaria: The International Court of Justice (ICJ) did not declare the genocide which South Africa had accused Israel of perpetrating against Gazans, but merely warned Israel to not commit genocide. That should be easy, since Israel never had any intention of such a thing; that’s Hamas’ wheelhouse. The definition of genocide includes intent, and is not panned for limitations in the perpetrator’s power to execute. Israel has no intent to wipe out the Gaza people, nor Arabs in general. Hamas, Fatah, the Palestinian Authority (PA), Hezbollah (Hez b’Allah), and Iran all intend to wipe out every Israeli person and every Jew, and yet, no one takes that accusation to the International Court of Justice. Why?
Next week, Algeria plans to put teeth in the ICJ ruling by bringing it to the United Nations for a “binding” resolution, in an attempt to leverage that ruling into a unilateral ceasefire on Israel’s part.
Screenshot from Times of Israel taken on 27 Jan 2024.
Of course, Hamas would never commit to a ceasefire and would never stick to it. Hamas and Israel already had a ceasefire on Oct 6, which Hamas obviously violated on Oct 7. So it’s hypocritical of Hamas to violate the ceasefire on Oct 7 and then turn around and demand a ceasefire the following week.
25 Jan 2024, Samaria: Hiding out under protection in US ally nation Qatar, Hamas bigwig billionaire Khaled Mashaal has said no to the two state solution.
So can we be done with that now? Can the Biden administration wake up and stop this fantasy? It’s been over 25 years since this failed idea was introduced at Oslo in 1994. It failed miserably because the Palestinians simply want there to be no Hebrew state, period; they want a one-state solution: It must be inhabited by Arabs only, just like Area A in the current setup. A Hebrew state must not exist anywhere in the world unless it is only there for them to destroy later. Below, see the report of an interview with the top leader of Hamas:
Screenshot captured at Times of Israel on 25 Jan, 2024.
Palestinians simply cannot tolerate Hebrews ruling over anything at all; Hebrews can only be dhimmis, slaves, underlings, without any self-determination.