Calendar 2025

Upcoming highlights on the Calendars, both the Rabbinic and the Biblical calendar:

  • Sunset March 13: Purim begins (Eternal Torah Calendar coincides with rabbinic calendar).
  • Sunset March 29: Aviv begins (ETC calendar again coincides with rabbinic).
  • Daytime April 12: Pessach (ETC)
  • Sunset April 12: Unleavened Bread begins (ETC & rabbinic).

So this is a welcome blessing since in 2024 the rabbinic and the ETC calendar differed by a whole month!

Later in the year 2025 however, the rabbinic and the ETC differ on the date for Yom Kippur.

The 2025 Eternal Torah Calendar is here!


On the Muslim calendar, Ramadan month of daytime fasting and nighttime feasting and festivals began Feb 28, 2025.  It it anticipated to end March 29, 2025, but this varies as it depends upon the sighting of the moon.


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Six-fingered shaman skeleton excavated near Jerusalem

Excavation near Jerusalem found the tomb of a 9,000-year-old six-fingered Neolithic shaman woman, in the Motza archaeological site in the hills of Jerusalem, with six fingers on her left hand.

Biblically, this is a trait associated with the Nephilim (fallen ones) giants, also Rephaim, and their descendants:

‘And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant.‭’  2Sa 21:20

Jerusalem Post, captured 5 March 2025.
If the date is correct, 9,000 years would place this site pre-Flood, as well as pre-pottery.

I have not found specifics, however if notable, then I would think that this uncovered skeleton has the rare Type III Central Polydactyly, rather than the more common variants Hexadactyly, a well recognized genetic trait, or Ulnar polydactyly which today is thought to be 1 in 143 among certain African populations.

Type III Central Polydactyly:

Type III Central Polydactlyly

X-ray of a modern-day example of hexadadactlyly, where the 6th digit is conjoined to the 5th:



Ulnar Polydactyly:



Here is the archeology study published in an Israeli journal:


President Javier Milei wins again

Argentina’s President Milei ordered the release of WWII files which detail how Nazis escaped justice with help from the Argentinian president and regime at the time:

Jerusalem Post, 26 Feb 2025 pg 6.


Recall from history that Adolf Eichmann was a high-profile German Nazi who successfully escaped to Argentina at the close of the war.  He was captured by the Mossad, Israel’s Secret Service, and smuggled out of Argentina to stand trial in Israel, where he was given the death sentence (one of the few times that Israel has ever issued any death sentence).




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Truth is released in places where the Believers pray and take action. Argentina voted for Javier Milei, a true believer, and he announced national days of prayer and told his Cabinet they will ask YAH for solutions to fix their country. Then when they got answers, took action, the corrupt judges tried to block them legally and they had to fight more. It’s quite a testimony – look for Tucker Carlson’s interview of Javier Milei.



Source: Jerusalem Post, 26 Feb 2025 pg 6.


Five Prayer Points for Israel

1.  Pray for the Shalom of Jerusalem according to Psalm 122:6-9.

2. Pray that funding to Iran would be stopped; whether thru oil refineries or other Iranian exports; so that Iran’s financing of terrorism worldwide would be stopped; this includes the stopping of funds to Lebanon, Gaza, Judea & Samaria, Yemen, and Syria.

3. Spiritual Revelations delivered to leaders and members of various faiths in Israel and worldwide: Protestant leaders, Muslim leaders, Catholic priests, Russian and Greek orthodox priests, Syrian Aramaic priests, Druze religious leaders, teachers in Bahai faith, atheist, seculars.

Further Spiritual Revelations:
That Muslims will be delivered from the death cult of Islam;
That Jews would be delivered from approving abortion;

Diplomatic Relations:

4. Pray that Israel continues to build embassies and business relations in Muslim nations such as Bahrain and the UAE.

5. Pray for key cities such as Kfar Qasm, an Israeli Arab city which has hosted peace talks, helping Israeli Arab towns to maintain shalom with Israeli Jews.  Also pray for cities with mixed Jewish & Arab populations such as Lod, Acre, Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem.

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Ancient Jewish Synagogue in Gaza, 508 AD

9 Nov 2023, Samaria:  In 1965 under Egyptian occupation of Gaza, an ancient synagogue was discovered in dating back to 508 AD.  At first, Egyption archeologists assumed it was a church, but upon further research, they agreed it was a synagogue.  The mosaic tile floor had artwork with David written in Hebrew, with a picture of David playing what appears to be a psaltery, with docile animals nearby.

Museum photo of the mosaic recovered from the ancient Jewish synagogue in Gaza, circa 508 CE/AD.
Museum photo of the mosaic recovered from the ancient Jewish synagogue in Gaza, circa 508 CE/AD.

After discovery, the Arabs of Gaza defaced the mosaic, so following the Six Days’ War of 1967, it was removed from that location to be restored at the Israel Museum.

“Nowadays, visitors can marvel at the mosaic floor of the synagogue in the Museum of the Good Samaritan, located near the Jerusalem-Jericho Road close to the Israeli settlement of Ma’ale Adumim. One of the most renowned panels in the mosaic floor portrays King David, identified by a Hebrew inscription reading ‘David,’ as he plays the lyre with a gathering of docile wild animals before him.”  Source: Jerusalem Post:

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Day 495: A National Loss of Mental Health

Some thoughts on the war

8 Oct, 2023, Samaria: 

Well, the war is in full effect.

During the night around 5:10 am the doors and windows rattled; Since no Arabs broke thru my apartment, I think it must have been sonic booms from fighter jets passing high overhead. I turned on the Israeli news hoping to see live views of Gaza hit by surgical strikes, but nothing, just more commentary and opinions about the war so far. Hamas is bringing much sorrow to the people of Gaza; they are the ones that will suffer for what Hamas has done to Israeli civilians in cold blood. And yet, when the voters in Gaza voted for Hamas to replace the Fatah party government in 2006, then-President Obama comforted the world saying that we need to respect the democratic process in Gaza. Hamas then began throwing the Fatah members of the former government off the top of high rise buildings and dragging their bodies through the streets. The State Department had no criticism for that. There has never been an election in Gaza since. Whether the voters actually voted for Hamas or whether that election was rigged, either way they are stuck with Hamas in power unless they have their own uprising. However they seem to be blinded by their hatred for Jews to the point they have not been able to see the enemies in their own ranks who do not hesitate to use them as human shields.

Sadly, this time I suspect that Hamas will use the 165+ Jewish hostages in Gaza as human shields to protect their bases and munitions from Israeli fire. So I would think it would be a great strategy to break with Israeli tradition and use the Air Force to flatten all military areas in Gaza without any respect to whoever is there. This won’t happen. If Israel did so, it would convince Hamas for good that there is zero value in taking hostages – which would be a good thing. But Israel has built up a strong reputation of showing more restraint than any army in the whole world. Israeli army has dropped paper fliers and sent millions of text messages to the cell phones in Gaza to warn the people of incoming fire and the location. After that Israel drops “knock knock” empty bombs on the rooftop to alert the people inside that the real bomb is coming within a couple minutes — giving them time to get out. All of this weakens Israel’s strategic advantage, obviously, but this is what Israel does in order to preserve civilian lives in Gaza.

Thus, if Israel is not going to bomb Hamas and Islamic Jihad military assets along with all civilians nearby, I would expect that Israel will instead sacrifice scores of young men with a ground troop invasion into Gaza, hoping to rescue hostages and neutralize Arab military assets. This would be bloody, in an arena of urban guerrilla warfare.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the two reigning organizations in Gaza, have zero concern for civilians, whether they be their own Arab civilians, or the Jewish civilians of Israel. Yesterday morning during the Shabbat and the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles they flew over the fence with powered paraglider ultralights, motorcycles, brand-new Toyota pickup trucks with military guns mounted, full of weapons and men, and by foot. They swept into a Jewish all-night trance techno party and mowed the people down with guns as they fled in the dawn light towards their cars. The surviving partiers said that they had heard the rocket explosions but thought it was part of the music. Many partiers were taken as hostages. The terrorist rode into border towns, shooting everyone on sight, breaking into homes, slaughtering civilians indiscriminately and taking hostages. Obviously all that Hamas and Islamic Jihad does (and both parties have publicly taken responsibility for starting this war) does is multiple war crimes according to international law. My Israeli friends who have served in the Intelligence departments of the Army are completely mystified as to how a border breach could go undetected for enough minutes for such attacks to occur. The Israeli people will have to be persistent if they will ever get any satisfactory explanations from the peoples’ army, the Israel Defense Force.

Where is the nations’ condemnation of Hamas? All I see so far is the normal false equivalence: “We condemn violence on both sides.” There is no equivalence between an army that acts morally and lawfully and an army that does not. One type of violence is quite different from the other and both types cannot be leveled with a blanket statement of “violence,” unqualified. Such behavior from the world media outlets must not be tolerated.


We request your prayers and financial support during this difficult time.


Missile alerts from the Tzofar app and Red Alert app.

A word about Unity

2023-05-22, Netanya, Israel: A question came in about divisions in the Body of Messiah.

Teddy: So, the teaching about Ephesians 4 goes like this: We have the first 9 verses or so which describes the unity of the Spirit, because there is actually only one Elohim since the false ones don’t count, for us who are believers. So for any believers in Y’shua – how can they actually be in disunity of the Spirit if there IS only ONE Spirit? So thus, we are called to maintain that unity of the Spirit – maintain it, not gain it – because we already have it as a free gift.

The second type of unity is something different. That unity is built with the help of the pastors, prophets, apostles, evangelists, and teachers, and that is unity of faith, which is to say, unity of the knowledge of the full stature of Y’shua, the Son of Man. That we may be built UNTIL we come into that unity of knowledge of Him. See there – UNTIL means we don’t have it YET. But we will. Meanwhile, we already have the unity of the Spirit, as verses 1-9 already explained.

The mistake that many make, is getting these two types confused. So then they wrongfully split from one another because of different knowledge about Y’shua’s stature. No, different knowledge is ok – let’s try to learn from each other. And while we try and do that, we must MAINTAIN the unity of the Spirit.

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