Stabbing Attack Against Israelis

IDF troops walk near the scene of the stabbing incident hear Kiryat Arba, on 2 Sept. Published in Jerusalem Post, 4 Sept 2022, pg 1.

2 Sept, 2022: “An IDF soldier was moderately injured in a stabbing attack near Kiryat Arba on Friday afternoon, according to the IDF Spokesperson Unit.

“The terrorist approached an IDF military post and stabbed one of the soldiers that was standing guard.”

Please continue to pray for safety against all attacks, and please continue to support those who work in Israel.



African Cockroaches in Israel

23 Aug 2022: A Health and Wellness story:  Not only is Israel a part of the Middle East, it also borders Africa, along with everything: the flora and fauna, the crops, nations and people who are under economic oppression.

This creepy-crawly story is about the bugs.  And not just any old bedbugs or fleas.  When I lived in the Back Bay area of Boston, or in Los Angeles, both of these locations had cockroach issues.  The ones in the Back Bay were much smaller, and with the cold climate much of the year, not so prevalent.  Yet, there was a greater problem there since that part of the city was built upon filled marshland and the shallow bay.  In other parts of the city, and in other parts of the state, the roaches were not a problem.  In Hollywood and North Hollywood, the bugs were bigger and more numerous, with the warmer desert-style climate and year-round heat.  In such a place as that, with infestations “built in” to most apartment buildings, one learns quickly to never leave a dirty dish in the sink.  Ever.  It will become bait in no time.

But those were nothing compared to the African Cockroach which can also fly, in addition to being huge.

Update 25 Aug 2022:  This evening one of these roaches flew into the kitchen; landed on the floor; gained altitude again, and flew over my head towards the wall and crawled into hiding somewhere.  Mind you, all the windows and doors were closed or with bugscreens.  That one somehow managed to sneak through the cracks in the frame.

In all my time in Boston and Hollywood, I never heard of stories such as this.  Then again, maybe it’s because I had no newspaper subscription in those days.

The doctor reports that he gets a call like this once every couple of years. Jerusalem Post, 23 Aug 2022.


The doctor reports that the patient usually experiences a great amount of pain and fear. Jerusalem Post, 23 Aug 2022, pg 6.





Careful About Info Sources

Image credit: Ben Garrison. The games that tyrannical global bankers play with the population using the Main-Stream Media to spread their messages.

I encourage everyone to be prayerful and circumspect about how information and news is acquired.  If one tries to avoid it completely, chances are, the messages from the MSM will creep into the ears, like bugs, because those messages are flying around everywhere: the curated search results from web search sites, the background noise at the market or cafe, the radios, the tv sound, and the comments and opinions from all the people who are exposed to those noises.

It takes prayer and focus to actively search out news and commentary that is written with a level of honesty and a level of agreement with your own world view.  Clearly, the banksters have quite their own world view, and they are delighted with their ability to try to force it upon all others.


African Cockroaches in Israel

Walk away from Iran, or appear weak: Lapid

Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s message to the West: “Israel, as everyone knows, is not obligated by anything [is not a party to the Iran deals] and will do what it needs to stop a nuclear Iran and prevent Iran from using its terrorist proxies [like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad] in the region.” Jerusalem Post, 19 Aug 2022 pg 1.

The Cost of Victimhood

Jerusalem Post, 18 Aug 2022 pg 1.

18 Aug 2022:  The difficulties of conducting work in a troubled land:  When one stays in “victim mode” constantly, one can never do any wrong; your neighbors can never do any right; and it is permissible to exaggerate your neighbor’s wrongs, to lie, and falsify, with no limits.

Pals Trivialize Holocaust; Germans and Israelis Outraged

“Especially for us Germans, any relativization of the Holocaust is unbearable and unacceptable.” — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaking to Bild after Abbas’ holocaust trivialization comments in Berlin.

So – this is what happened.  On 16 Aug 2022, Germany hosted Mahmoud Abbas to give a speech in Berlin.  Abbas is leader of the Fatah party and of the Philistinian leadership in Samaria.  After the speech, a reporter asked Abbas why, after 18 years in power, has he not apologized for the Palestinian terrorists who killed 11 Jewish athletes at the 1972 Olympics in Munich.

Abbas’ response – in Arabic – was to allege that Israel has committed 50 holocausts against the Pals. Ridiculous.  (He said “holocausts” in English; the Hebrew term is “Shoah”).  Clearly, the non-Israeli Arab population has grown from 1 million to 5 million since Israel became a state in 1948. Today, that’s 3 million in Samaria and 2 million in Gaza.  Separately, there are around 2 million Israeli Arabs living in Israel with full citizenship, voting rights and all.

While this is clearly incorrect, this is only part of a global trend.  “Combat Antisemitism Movement” has reported that there were over 214 public comments in the last year trivializing the Shoah, with 37.4% coming from the USA, followed by UK, with Germany in third place.  The report is entitled “Holocaust Trivialization Report: A Burgeoning Threat in 2021-2022 Trend Manifestations and Analysis.”

“The countries that showed the highest rates of Holocaust trivialization were the US, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and Canada.”

Therefore, Abbas is not unique in his holocaust trivialization.  However, looking around the world, we cannot find many public officials other than Abbas who wrote their doctoral thesis in holocaust denial.  At a Soviet university in Moscow, he wrote his thesis on the ridiculous claim that the Jews collaborated with the Nazis to create the Holocaust in order to fabricate an excuse to relocate to Israel.

In one press conference, Abbas accuses Israel of “50 holocausts” against the Palestinians, and then talks of building trust? That combination obviously can’t work, and Abbas knows it.

Incidently, the German Chancellor also rejected Abbas’ use of the word “apartheid” when referring to Israel’s treatment of Arabs:

“Naturally we have a different assessment with a view to Israeli politics, and I want to expressly say here that I do not espouse the use of the word ‘apartheid’ and do not think it correctly describes the situation,” Scholz said. The German chancellor rejected the use of the word ‘apartheid‘ in a meeting with the PA president • Liberman: Abbas is alive today only because of security coordination with Israel.

Without drastic change, this Pal leadership could never make any sincere offers of peace with the Jews.  And most of the Pal population agrees with the leadership.

The Fatah party commended Abbas for his comments in Berlin, saying, “Abbas, you are strong.”

Abbas intended to “remind the world of the suffering of the Palestinian people, who deserve an apology for the crimes committed against them.” –Munther al-Hayek, senior Fatah official.

Germany is so furious, they’ll probably not invite Abbas for a very long time. [Update: As of 5 Sept, 2022, Germany officially apologized for its failure to protect Israeli athletes from the Arab murderers in the 1972 massacre].

19 Aug 2022, Jpost pg 2.

“Israel’s ambassador in Berlin, Ron Prosor, told The Media Line that German politicians are ‘furious with (Abbas) for exploiting the stage he got.’ From what I see, I doubt Abu Mazen will be invited here again any time soon,” Prosor said, using Abbas’ nom de guerre.

Victimhood:  What is the answer–how can the cycle of victimhood ever be broken?  Messiah is the only answer.




Average Salaries: 2022 Israel Report is In

2022-08-04 Israel average salaries, just released by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics:
Overall average is nearly 12k shekels ($3,463 USD), however, for the tech sector, the average is about 27k ILS per month ($8k USD).  The poorest sector, the hospitality workers, average 5,720 ILS per month ($1,709 USD).
  • Average monthly:  11,753 ILS ($3,514 USD)
  • Tech sector: 26,828 ILS ($8,019 USD)
  • Education: 8,708 ILS ($2,658 USD)
  • Finance & insurance: 23,000 ILS ($6,875 USD)
  • Hospitality: 5,720 ILS ($1,709 USD)
  • Minimum wage: 5,300 ($1,500 USD), or 29 ILS per hour ($9.20).
There are plans to gradually increase the minimum wage to 6,000 ILS ($1,912), to 33 ILS ($10.50) per hour by 2025.

We Need Your Support


2022-08-19 Update: The Teachers’ Union is threatening a strike effective on the first day of school; there are talks underway to bring the salary up to 9,000 ILS.  NOTE: Teachers’ salary improvement was successful.
Link to the salary levels 2022 report:

Arabs attack Israelis, Hamas, PIJ, and PLO celebrate

2022-08-15:  OK, so here’s a recent timeline:

2022-08-13 Arabs from Bethlehem fired at Jews at Rachel’s Tomb; no injuries. So, these Arabs would be non-Israeli, since Israel gave Bethlehem to the PLO in 1994.  And yes, this refers to that Rachel: Wife of Jacob, who was the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham.  Remember that Bethlehem is known as “The City of David” for example in Luke 2:11.

2022-08-14: Saturday night, 1:24 am, near David’s Tomb in Jerusalem, an Arab with Israeli citizenship open fire on a bus. Yes, that David, King David.  Eight wounded, including a pregnant woman (critically injured, her baby delivered by C-section). Four or five Americans visiting from Williamsburg NY are among the wounded. Almost no mention of this in USA media outside of the expected comments from the US Ambassador and the NY Governor.
The Israel Police closed off all of the suspect’s chances for escape and hiding, and shooter has turned himself in, hiring a taxi to deliver him with his gun and knife in a 12-minute ride to the police station.  The terrorist got a receipt.  Always, always get a receipt. The taxi driver complained that as a result, he lost 3 hours of work, while police took his taxi for search procedures.
The terrorist is a 26 year old Arab citizen of Israel with a criminal record an no known links to terror groups.
The attack has been praised by all these organizations which operate in Gaza: Islamic Jihad (which shot 1,000 missiles at Israeli civilians last weekend), PLO, and Hamas, which stayed out of the war last weekend, probably for financial reasons.
“Last night, a terrorist shot at a bus in Jerusalem wounding 8 people, including a pregnant 30 year old woman and a 60 year old man who are in critical care. We pray for their full recovery.This attack on Israel’s capital, a city sacred to all three religions, must be condemned.”

— Israel Foreign Ministry (@IsraelMFA) August 14, 2022

2022-08-15 “Blame the victim:” Iran says Salman Rushdie and his supporters are to blame for his attack.
2022-08-05 thru 07: Gaza launched a 3-day war, with 1,100 missiles launched at Israeli civilians. No mention of this in USA media. No Israeli casualties, and of the Gaza casualties, the majority of them were caused by the Gaza missiles.  Estimates from the Associated Press have it that about 27 of the 48 casualties in Gaza were caused by missiles from Gaza landing in Gaza.  Further investigations will probably continue to update the figures.

They threw Molotovs at my neighbors


2022-08-12 Residents from the Arab village next door threw Molotov Cocktails over this security fence, aiming to injure residents of these homes in my Jewish village in Samaria. This was around 11:30 pm during Shabbat, on the 12th of August.


2022-08-14 JTOD org update: My village was attacked with Molotov cocktails this Shabbat (11:30 pm on the 12th). Nobody is reported injured. I probably wouldn’t have even known, except that a dear friend overseas (who visits Israel occasionally and watches and prays) picked up this story from the news media and alerted me. This morning I biked over and took this photo, on the security road which encircles my village.

So, here’s the layout:  The Jewish homes on one side, and extra-high / extra-secure version of the security fence on my other side. (See here for the type of security fence we have on the other side of town).  Near the fence pictured, the neighbors have told me previously that sometimes the Arabs throw stones at them, right over that fence. So, this is probably the section of wall where they threw the Molotov cocktails. It’s near the street that was in the reports.  So – I assume that at least one Molotov landed in at least one yard and exploded uselessly. Of course, that means that nobody was sitting in the yard at that time, to enjoy the Shabbat evening breeze.


Behind this fence next to me, the hill is quite steep leading up to the Arab homes in the Arab village next door, so, I think that hill makes it a bit easy for people to toss things over the fence and aim for the Jewish homes. At this point, I’m upset about this; I’m trying to calm down. I reached out to some of the neighbors who are my friends, and heard back from one. The affected street is not far from her mother’s house. So, she and I were able to trade back and forth some dark humor, which takes the edge off a bit. I know that many people would say to me, “It’s all YOUR fault! You deserve to be killed by Arabs!” Whatever.

Portable hospital, or Giant Ambulance? You decide. When troubles arrive, this baby rolls into town just in case.

Today there’s an increased presence of Israeli military activity in town. In the bakery three soldiers came in for lunch, they are tall, strong, and armed to the teeth, and very relaxed, with their sandwiches and iced coffees. These guys are bigger than the regular everyday soldiers I see around town. Also unusual: There’s a field hospital set up on the edge of town, it’s housed inside a converted city bus. So it’s like an ambulance and rolling hospital, combined. I saw a tractor smoothing out the sand on the ground right next to the security fence. That means the Army can easily spot the footprints in the sand, if Arabs had cut thru the fence somewhere. More and more I’m slowly getting over it.  That’s part of the Israeli experience, to get normalized to terror, and carry on with life as if nothing happened.


Living With Constant War in Israel

Comedy from Jackie Mason

3 days, 1000 missiles

8 Aug, 2022:  Egypt helped negotiate a cease fire between Israel and Islamic Jihad. Went into effect at 11:30 tonight, after 1,000 rockets fired at Israel. Let’s see how this goes.

More Palestinians in Gaza were harmed by Palestinians than by Israelis.  How does that work? Islamic Jihad hides among Palestinian civilians (war crime #1) to fire missiles against Israeli civilians (war crime #2), many of which  fell short and landed on apartment buildings inside Gaza.  By contrast, Israel does not fire on civilians.  That’s how this war resulted in more Arab civilians harmed by Arab fire than by Israeli fire.

Please continue to pray for safety.

Living With Constant War in Israel

Comedy from Jackie Mason

“Every Jew is raised to think it’s his moral obligation to help and love the weak and the underdog.”

“Every militant knows that if you are caught trying to kill Jews and happen to get wounded, the Jews are the only people in the history of warfare who will provide the best medical attention in order to save your life. “

Jackie Mason, Jewish comedian, 18 Aug, 2014 in his op-ed found at:

Living With Constant War in Israel