Handel’s Messiah & Vivaldi’s Gloria this December & Jan

Dec 2022 & Jan 2023, Israel: Our choir project “Fiat Lux” is now preparing for concerts December thru January for special selected pieces from George Friedrich Handel’s masterpiece “Messiah” in Hebrew.  We seek donations immediately to help with the travel expenses to the rehearsals and concerts.

The Fiat Lux Chamber Choir

Fiat Lux Chamber Choir: The 16 Voice Ensemble of Amutat “Kamti”
This exciting new group presents liturgical music both in original languages and in
Hebrew. The name “Fiat Lux” is from Genesis 1:3 “Let there be Light!” — and that is our calling; to bring Hope and Light to the peoples of our Land; to express in inspiring music the Word and the Light!

Your Support is Needed

Handel “Messiah” in Hebrew:
Tenor Solo (#1): “Nachamu” (Comfort Ye My People)
Chorus (#3): “Venigla” (And the Glory)
Bass Solo: “Kah Amar Adonai” (Thus Saith the Lord)
Chorus (#6) “VeTihar et Bnei Levi” (And He shall Purify the Sons of Levi)
Alto: “HaAlmah Hareh” (Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive)
Alto: “Mevaseret Tzion” (Oh Thou that Tellest)
Chorus (#9) “Al Har Gavoha” (O Thou that Tellest)
Bass Solo: “Ki Hineh haHoshech” (For Behold, Darkness)
Chorus (#12) “Ki Hineh Yeled Yulad Lanu” (For Unto Us A Child is Born)
Soprano Solo: “V’Raim Hayu Az” (There Were Shepherds)
Chorus (#15) “Shevach L’El” (Glory to God)
Soprano: “Gili Meod Bat Tzion” (Rejoice Greatly)
Alto: “Az Tipakhneh Ayinei Aurim” (Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind)
Alto & Soprano: “Kroiah Adro” (He Shall Feed)
Chorus (#19) “U’lo Naim” (His Yoke is Easy)
Chorus: “HalleluJah”

Vivaldi “Gloria” in Latin:
Chorus #1 Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Chorus #2 Et in Terra Pax Hominibus
Chorus #7 Domine Fili
Including all 12 portions.

Final English Announcement Winter Concerts 2022

Final Hebrew Announcement Winter Concerts 2022


Four Performances; these three open to the public:
Dec 20, Tiberias, 19:00-20:00;
Dec 30, Jerusalem, 14:00-15:30;
Jan 7, Nazareth, 20:00-22:00.

Prior Concert video:
Gorgeous Choir Concert in Nazareth


Gorgeous Choir Concert in Nazareth

15 Oct 2022, Nazareth.  Our liturgical Scripture choir performed on the 15th for a mixed Hebrew and Arab audience in the city of Nazareth.  The Fiat Lux choir is 16 voices: Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass and has been in weekly rehearsals for this concert since August.  I’m a founding member, involved since 2007.

1st Nazareth Concert Video : 14 May, 2022, Nazareth.

Travel and prep notes and photos below:

2022-10-14 I’m on a bus to Armageddon, and it’s a ‘hell’ of a ride (doh!). Choir Concert is tomorrow night so I’m passing straight thru Megiddo (Armageddon) today (truly). I will sleep at a dorm room in Nazareth, close by to the concert which is tomorrow night. Thanks for your support and prayer.

2022-10-16 The concert in Nazareth went well. However it involved a lot of travel time. But the response was very good from Arab Israeli and Jewish Israeli audience members.


Thanks to our Partners who help make this and other JTOD projects possible.

Would you like to help?


Flier in English: Nazareth
Flier in Hebrew: Nazareth
2nd Nazareth Concert program


First Concert for Arab & Hebrew Mixed Audience

Next: Handel’s Messiah this December 2022

New Roof for the Homeless

“Y” and I managed to build a new roof next to “M’s” shack, so that his new laundry machine will be protected from the rains. Here’s a photo of “Y” getting goofy for the photo while we worked:

Building the roof for the homeless.

The day after, “M” phoned me up and said that he’s happy to restart talks with me about Y’shua. He may be homeless, living in a shack in the driveway next to the house he gave to his wife and daughter, with no indoor access; and yet, he has government money deposited in his account every month. It’s not money, clothes, or food that he needs. He needs someone to be alive, to be there, and to show him love in an ongoing, steady way, as a representation of Y’shua.

When “D” was here visiting from overseas, speaking with “M” the day after “Y” and I built his new roof, “M” said, “Teddy’s a real Christian, not a fake one.”

Weed, War, & WhatsApp

26 Oct 2022, Israel: Government considers steps regarding scams, con artists, and spam messages which push Israelis to buy weed.

Security: Israeli Defense Force (IDF) moves forward overnight in Operation Break the Wave.

Tech: With so many Israelis that use one single app for most personal, business, and security communication, that leaves a single point of failure that wreaked havoc for one hour yesterday.


Truth defeats lies

“One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, and if we dig down deep enough in the mountain of lies, and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies; the entire mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth, and there is nothing more devastating to a structure of lies than the revelation of the truth upon which the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to follow, awakening even those people who had no desire to be awakened to the truth.” – Delamer Duverus

Delamer Duverus quote.

Soldier injured in Samaria

Oct 3, 2022, Samaria:  The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is stretched to the limit during this Fall Festival season of 2022.   20 minutes uphill from here in Samaria, Nablus is a Roman-era name (in Greek) for Shechem, an ancient Hebrew town.  This is the location where Joseph’s bones are buried; yes, that Joseph, Pharaoh’s right-hand man in Egypt.

Jerusalem Post, 3 Oct 2022 pg 1.


On 2 October 2022 in Shechem, Israeli Jews had a peaceful rally.  They came under fire from Arab non-Israelis from the area. The overall council head of Samaria, Yossi Dagan, was photographed crouching behind an automobile for cover, pistol drawn, defending children.  This was a peaceful rally with many children present – Arabs opened fire for no reason other than their hurt feelings that Jews simply exist in Samaria.



IDF can’t keep up West Bank operation due to logistics shortage

2 Oct 2022 The IDF cannot continue a long-term military operation in the West Bank due to logistical support deficiencies, State Comptroller Matanyahu …


Soldier lightly injured in Palestinian fire at settler rally by Nablus

2 Oct 2022 Other soldiers immediately returned fire and are in pursuit of the shooters. The rally had been held to protest a shooting incident in the …



Dangerous Fall Holiday Season

11 Oct 2022: It’s the season of the Fall Feasts of the seventh Biblical month (the first month being the month where Passover lands, in the spring).  The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has been working overtime, calling up reserves for weeks, to counteract the Arabs’ stepped-up efforts to cause panic and mayhem among the Jewish population.

An 18-year old girl, Sgt. Noa Lazar, was killed in an antisemitic attack.  Thus, the IDF’s “Operation Break the Wave” continues work in order to break the wave of violence and antisemitism.

Jerusalem Post, 11 Oct 2022 pg 1.


Manhunt continues for Jerusalem shooter who killed IDF soldier

17 hours ago Security forces are said to have identified the suspect, and believe that he might be hiding out somewhere in Shuafat.



Sgt. Noa Lazar, 18, killed just shy of birthday – ‘You were a treasure’

Sgt. Noa Lazar was originally from the northern community of Bat Hefer. She was a fighter in the IDF’s Military Police Erez battalion.




Operation Break the Wave: Ten arrested across West Bank overnight


Proverbs 19:1

“Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.” Proverbs 19:1 AV
In so many potential situations, there might be something to be gained financially through some type of deception. It might be hiring workers and then paying them less, or selling a car for more than it is worth, or selling pharmaceutical medication that injures people while telling them that it will heal them. Lies.
“Perverse lips” means speech that is twisted rather than straight. When a person wants to know the truth, he may say to his friend, “Give it to me straight, bro,” meaning, stop with the excuses and the stories and tell the truth plainly, if you can. This is why the Scriptures which scribes had written in the Aramaic language is called “Peshitta” (puh-Sheet-ah) because that means “the Straight” in Aramaic; it means that these particular scribes placed a high value on straight writing, and they avoided twisted writing, perverse writing which is designed to re-interpret and bend the meanings.
In books as well as in speech, “bending the truth” can bring much profit. But this Proverb states that it is better to be poor while speaking straight, and writing straight, than any riches or fame that may be gained by bending the truth or hiding the truth. At the end, the Proverb teaches that bending the truth is a foolish thing to do. Why? The truth-bender would say, “Hey, I can make a lot more money to feed my family if I bend the truth.” Sure, in the short term. But in the long term, since YAH sees and knows everything, and nothing to be hidden from Him, therefore in the long term it is foolish to conceal the truth, or bend the truth, or any such thing.
Notice how this verse does not pose a contrast between a truth-speaker who is poor, versus a truth-bender who is rich. No – the contrast is between a truth-speaker who is poor versus a truth-bender who is, by virtue of his perverse speech, “a fool” rather than “rich.”  Very interesting.  The fool is thus “poor” by virtue of his lack – of wisdom.
I love the wisdom of the Proverbs, don’t you?

Pray about our work: Donate.

Electric Bike Maintenance

30 Sept 2022, Samaria:  This week the bike got a flat again, so my travel was more limited until I could do the patch right here on the patio.

Goldie the mother cat was hardly around, but her remaining three grownup ginger kittens were very curious about the tools and bike parts.

Finished that up early this morning, so I could ride over to the Arab Muslim (Israeli) city – the nearest bank branch ATM – to make the rent payment. On the way back, I even asked an electric bike mechanic to check the internal gears on the electric motor.  The price was fair, and when he opened the motor, he cleaned and lubed the inside. A nice Muslim guy, speaking Hebrew with me; he showed me his work, and the gears were actually fine and didn’t need replacing. Just some new high quality grease.


That’s my tire on the bench; the hub motor with its internal gears are disassembled, cleaned, and greased before it’s all put back together again.




Remembering Sgt Liel Gideoni (1994-2014)

30 Sept 2022, Samaria:  You probably know that I go out prayer walking around the village every day.

This morning, I saw a bumper sticker that stood out to me.  What a smile!

This guy is special, and deeply missed by his family. Liel was just 20 years old at the time.

The morning of Aug 1, 2014, around 7 or 9:30 AM, terrorists from Gaza suddenly emerged from a terror tunnel dug by Hamas, with materials financed by Iran.  It was an ambush against the Israeli soldiers, less than 72 hours after the US and the UN had brokered a cease-fire.


An example of bumper stickers in Israel. This one is a memory of the late Sgt Liel Gideoni, from Jerusalem, who served in the Givati Brigade of the IDF; Gidoni was killed on Aug 1, 2014 in an ambush in southern Gaza shortly after the “cease fire” was announced.

With English letters, Liel’s surname is sometimes spelled with or without the “e.”

Liel Gideoni was posthumously promoted to Sergeant.
