Dec 2022 & Jan 2023, Israel: Our choir project “Fiat Lux” is now preparing for concerts December thru January for special selected pieces from George Friedrich Handel’s masterpiece “Messiah” in Hebrew. We seek donations immediately to help with the travel expenses to the rehearsals and concerts.

Fiat Lux Chamber Choir: The 16 Voice Ensemble of Amutat “Kamti”
This exciting new group presents liturgical music both in original languages and in
Hebrew. The name “Fiat Lux” is from Genesis 1:3 “Let there be Light!” — and that is our calling; to bring Hope and Light to the peoples of our Land; to express in inspiring music the Word and the Light!
Your Support is Needed
Handel “Messiah” in Hebrew:
Tenor Solo (#1): “Nachamu” (Comfort Ye My People)
Chorus (#3): “Venigla” (And the Glory)
Bass Solo: “Kah Amar Adonai” (Thus Saith the Lord)
Chorus (#6) “VeTihar et Bnei Levi” (And He shall Purify the Sons of Levi)
Alto: “HaAlmah Hareh” (Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive)
Alto: “Mevaseret Tzion” (Oh Thou that Tellest)
Chorus (#9) “Al Har Gavoha” (O Thou that Tellest)
Bass Solo: “Ki Hineh haHoshech” (For Behold, Darkness)
Chorus (#12) “Ki Hineh Yeled Yulad Lanu” (For Unto Us A Child is Born)
Soprano Solo: “V’Raim Hayu Az” (There Were Shepherds)
Chorus (#15) “Shevach L’El” (Glory to God)
Soprano: “Gili Meod Bat Tzion” (Rejoice Greatly)
Alto: “Az Tipakhneh Ayinei Aurim” (Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind)
Alto & Soprano: “Kroiah Adro” (He Shall Feed)
Chorus (#19) “U’lo Naim” (His Yoke is Easy)
Chorus: “HalleluJah”
Vivaldi “Gloria” in Latin:
Chorus #1 Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Chorus #2 Et in Terra Pax Hominibus
Chorus #7 Domine Fili
Including all 12 portions.
Final English Announcement Winter Concerts 2022
Final Hebrew Announcement Winter Concerts 2022
Four Performances; these three open to the public:
Dec 20, Tiberias, 19:00-20:00;
Dec 30, Jerusalem, 14:00-15:30;
Jan 7, Nazareth, 20:00-22:00.
Prior Concert video:
Gorgeous Choir Concert in Nazareth