If an Israeli hi-tech company creates meat in a lab that’s porcine, pork-like, synthetic swine-flesh, what would the rabbis do?
What if they approve it, but religious people won’t be caught dead eating it?
Why did the newspaper misspell that city?
What’s Acts 10 got to do with it?

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Back from Tel Aviv: Street War Continues

Thoughts and observations of how Israelis have been coping with the craziness of rockets exploding overhead, running for cover during the rocket attacks. As well as continued street warfare since the cease-fire.



The beach is not a good area to be caught in a rocket storm:

Views from May 2021 Missile Attacks

NOTE: If you’d like to get notifications in realtime as videos like these are posted, click thru to the video host site (or app) and click the SUBSCRIBE button, and then click the bell-shaped icon, which will make sure you get notified when my vids are posted.  There are two relevant channels where I post: “JTOD org” and “Bomb Shelter Bibles.”  Of course, for music, there’s my channel “YerubileeTheBand.”  Thanks. Now to the report:

In May 2021, the Israel DEFENSE Force (IDF) entered into “Operation Guardian of the Walls”  in order to defend Israel’s civilians from missile attacks from the Hamas terror army in Gaza, along with a handful from north of the border with Lebanon.

During this time, I’ve been housesitting in Bat Yam, a coastal city just south of Tel Aviv-Jaffa.

As I learned, beaches aren’t a good place to get caught in a missile storm.  Here are a few techniques that I discovered, with help from Israeli news recommendations and pictures shared in social media among Israelis:


Video taken from inside a bomb shelter.  Air raid sirens and ambulance sirens outside, as heard from inside. “Fraidy Cat” hiding out with me in Bat Yam, in the hot missile zone of Tel Aviv-Jaffa.


Continuing to keep the prayer meetings and Bible studies going in the midst of the missile hot zone during wartime (18 May 2021):


Outer View of the Bomb Shelter & Damage Report:

On Shabbat, May 15, 2021, I facilitated the Bible teaching in two congregational meetings.  Afterwards, I went for a walk towards the beach in Bat Yam, just south of Tel Aviv-Jaffa.  Twenty-Three Missiles exploded over my head as they were detonated mid-air by the Iron Dome (IDF) defense system, before the Gaza missiles managed to strike the civilian targets on the ground.  Here’s the video of my experience:


Backing up to the first missile barrages and street riots, earlier in the first week of fighting:


While out walking at the beach, Six Missiles over my head, no place to run for cover:


Morning after the first missile barrage against Tel Aviv-Jaffa:

Clear Sky Morning Tel Aviv May 14, 2021:



First night of missile barrages in Tel Aviv-Jaffa (evening on the 11th May, 2021):

First night continued into the 12th May, the missile barrages in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, at 3 am, 4 am, and 5 am:


Backing up, the two short videos I recorded on May 10th (Israel Independence Day on the Hebrew Calendar) when the 2021 war began with Gaza missiles launched directly towards the Jerusalem area.  The first:


And the second:


Finally, a 1:18 view from Wall Street Journal & The Telegram news outlets:





Final Day: Supermarket Leaven Report

2021 March 26, Samaria (Shomron):

In the last hours before supermarket closures for Shabbat, everyone is picking up the last-minute items for this Shabbat meal and for the Pessach (Passover) meal, which will occur in the late afternoon during Shabbat this year.

Earlier this week, sections of the shelves were already labeled as “Hametz (leavened)” vs “Kosher for Pessach.” Today, the changes make it all but impossible to achieve any purchase not sanctioned by the Pharisee rabbis. Have a look again at the honey and jelly aisle:

I think this used to be the Doritos and potato chip aisle:

The cereal aisle is forbidden;

Cookies and cakes:

THESE cakes and cookies are kosher for Pessach, what’s left of them, anyway:

This shelf blocks shoppers from something or other, with holiday cheer:

Apparently almond milk and soy milk has leaven and no one can buy it:

We don’t agree that almond milk is leaven, actually. However, the Pharisee thinking is that if the factory is not cleansed from leaven, then the products are leavened. However, there is leaven flying around in the air every day and it would not only be impossible to hermetically seal the whole global atmosphere from it, but when the children of Israel prepared to move out of their Egyptian slave houses, the last thing they would think to do is hermetically seal their apartments. The point of the unleavened bread was the bread of haste: baked without allowing it to rise. Haste because of the urgency to meet YHWH’s exact timing for His deliverance.

Timing is everything.

We are informed in 1 Corinthians 5 that in the same way we (as well as the ex-pagan followers of Y’shua living in Corinth) observe Pessach by removing yeast from the bread, we also remove sin from the congregation. Without the Pessach teaching , the Body in Corinth could not possibly make any sense out of this metaphor. Therefore, Paul taught the ex-pagans to practice Pessach.

Enjoy the leaven-free week during the Feast of Unleavened Bread (חג המצות).

Israeli Ship Struck By Iranian Missile

26 Mar 2021 Jerusalem Post Pg 4:

While the world tries to pretend that the government regime in Iran is as harmless as the Boy Scouts, with a new administration in the US White House, Iran has attacked Israeli ships for two months in a row.

Israel needs our prayers, and courageous prayer warriors on the front lines in Israel.

Yeast-based Vaccine in Development

23 Mar 2021 Jerusalem Post pg 6: Israeli company Oramed Pharmaceuticals has partnered with Indian company Premas Biotech; the partnership is named Oravax Medical Inc with an orally-delivered yeast-based vaccine which is much less costly than the competitors. More below:

Supermarket Leaven Report: 5 Days Out

In these photos of the supermarket aisle, the shelf sections are labeled.  On the left, for example, the honey section is Kosher for Pessach, (כשר לפסח) but the strawberry jams are declared leavened (חמץ).

A view of both sides of that aisle. Check back each day for the updated view.