Israeli Ship Struck By Iranian Missile

26 Mar 2021 Jerusalem Post Pg 4:

While the world tries to pretend that the government regime in Iran is as harmless as the Boy Scouts, with a new administration in the US White House, Iran has attacked Israeli ships for two months in a row.

Israel needs our prayers, and courageous prayer warriors on the front lines in Israel.

Yeast-based Vaccine in Development

23 Mar 2021 Jerusalem Post pg 6: Israeli company Oramed Pharmaceuticals has partnered with Indian company Premas Biotech; the partnership is named Oravax Medical Inc with an orally-delivered yeast-based vaccine which is much less costly than the competitors. More below:

Supermarket Leaven Report: 5 Days Out

In these photos of the supermarket aisle, the shelf sections are labeled.  On the left, for example, the honey section is Kosher for Pessach, (כשר לפסח) but the strawberry jams are declared leavened (חמץ).

A view of both sides of that aisle. Check back each day for the updated view.

New Year, Calendar and Bible Chapter Markers

Written in Samaria, Israel, on 2021-03-14: Sunset last night started the Rosh Chodesh (Renewed Month), the New Year (Rosh haShanah), and the countdown to Pessach (Passover). We are now in the first day of the First Month and as in every month the first day is treated as a monthly Shabbat feast and a day of rest, sunset to sunset.

For some, this could relate to a reset back to Proverbs 1 again, for those who correlate Bible chapters numbers with the number of days in the month.

I’d like to add that chapter 31 could be included – and should be – as the special chapter with added attention. Remember that a Biblical month (scientific month) will never ever ever have 31 days so it’s your choice if you’d like to honor that chapter by reading it especially, 4x per month, or 1x per month, or each Erev Shabbat, or whatever, as the Ruach leads.

Creation continues to change due to entropy. It may be possible that in ancient times, a month had a solid perfect 28 days. If true, it would be difficult to prove today. The moon does not have any turbo rocket engines; therefore, it is reasonable to expect the moon to slow down a bit over millennia, even as we observe that manmade satellites also lose speed (and altitude). Currently the moon is slow enough that it takes about 29.585 days to travel around the earth. That is an average: In the spring it tends to be a bit quicker and a bit slower in the autumn; and leads to the use of the Conjunction rather than the first visible sliver to start the month. That explanation needs more space, elsewhere. Similarly, the earth may have traveled around the sun in ancient times in a nice round 360 days, suitable for Enoch and perhaps prophetic spiritual calendars, but currently in the material reality it has slowed down to 364.26 days. However, these problems are not any issue when we follow the observed signs of the greater light (sun) and the lesser light (moon) which The Creator made for us as signs and seasons (Genesis/Beresheet 1:14-18).

In my heart I feel rather than neglect chapter 31, I give it extra attention, as His Bride honors The King. It’s cool that tradition leads husbands to bless their wives each Erev Shabbat with Proverbs 31, so I believe we the Bride can look forward to The King’s special blessings for us each Shabbat. In other words, we could read this chapter as if He is reading it to us in order to bless His Bride each Shabbat.

Note that in one pagan calendar, two pagan kings (Julius and Augustus) honored themselves as gods, renamed pagan months after themselves, and extended those months unscientifically to 31 days in order to give themselves special honor above and beyond the other 10 months/false gods. Remember that it is haughty opposition to “think to change the times and the law” (Daniel 7:25).

But as for Bible chapters it’s also important to recall that the chapter divisions are not necessarily important at all. They are simply manmade marker points to help people quickly locate the section.

Scientifically, a true month these days can either have 29 or 30 days, no more, no less. I see that one book that clearly relates numerically is 1 Chronicles (chronos = time; Hebrew: Dvrei haYamim) with 29 manmade chapter divisions. So for each day of the month, one could also read that chapter in 1 Chronicles, using the same numerology as for Proverbs.

However, it is worthwhile to note that while man has chosen the chapter divisions, and some men have thought to change the times and the laws, YHWH Elohim has set the divisions of days, months, and years. He has created the lights of the heavens for the signs and seasons, and He has announced how they pertain to His declared feasts, which will continue until heaven and earth pass away, after the Millennium (Isaiah 56, 58, & 66; Revelation 21).

Teddy Recommends

Affiliate links to great items that we find useful:

JTOD may receive a tiny gift when you use these affiliate links.

“Altogether You” – fantastic book – very helpful for the path.


A Great spot for vitamins and health product deliveries, and competitive shipping rates:


Brio-PU100 Universal Manual Drinking Water pump:

Compatible with most bottles between 2 and 6 gallons (7.5 to 22.7 liters):

You know those giant water bottles? We don’t need the extra expense of a dispenser if one has a pump. 

This pump mounts right on top of the jug.

So I don’t have to buy or rent one of those special bottle stands with spigot, heater, cooler, etc.

Cheaper pumps out there probably break quickly, so they have bad reviews.



Does Scripture Speak of Politics?

Here I see Scriptural encouragement to advocate to remove corrupt judges & politicians and replace them with good people to take their place. It’s with this in mind that I encourage good people to run for office, to avoid political passivity, to take actions like voting and writing their representatives, and to pray for politicians as per 1 Tim. 2:1-9.

Proverbs 28:12: “Strong” clearly parallels “rise to power;”. That strength is not merely the ability to squat heavy weights under the barbell, this is a form of strength that finds expression in the public sphere. This “rise to power” of the righteous increases the Glory: The Glory that the citizens give to the Creator Who created Righteousness, by definition. The people glorify Him when they live and love with Shalom. That increase of Glory continues to draw others into The Father, Creator of all.

That Glory is diminished when the unrighteous people have strength in politics and influence. Verse 15 affirms, adding that an unrighteous ruler treats the poor exactly the way the devil treats all people: like a roaring lion. No wonder because the unrighteous fulfill the actions ans will of the enemy.

How much more do the righteous fulfill the will and good works of the Creator. Pray for all leaders (1 Tim 2:1-9), and support and encourage the righteous leaders to persist in doing Good. Help the Good to succeed and consider what office you might take.

More like this:
Aramaic Lamsa vs KJV: Proverbs 29:2,4,10,16,18

Who Cares About Giving Tuesday?


Yes, we at JTOD are aware that Giving Tuesday exists, at least in the minds of the nonprofits vying for your gifts.

I hope you’ll pray about it and ask our Father in Heaven what He would ask you to do!

I see a lot of potential for JTOD in the coming civil year: Local teaching, worship and praise music and 10-string harps released, men’s fellowship, and more.

Realistically, to realize this vision, we desperately need access to the LORD’s funds.

I’m asking for an expansion of 31 Partners by Dec 31. Set up your partnership now at the Donate button:




The term “Black Friday” has become a phrase which is used to boost retail sales every autumn season. Where did the term come from? Is it related to Giving Tuesday, Thanksgiving, or Succot? Check this video to find out.

Is Giving Tuesday Related to Thanksgiving, Black Friday, or Succot?

Rosh haShanah 2020 Starts Thursday Night not Friday! (Feast of Trumpets)

New Moon occurs at 1 PM in Israel, 17th of Sept., which is the 29th day of the 6th Month;

Meaning the sunset a few hours later is the start of the Seventh Month which is Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets):


And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses, saying,
‘Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, on the first of the month, ye have a sabbath, a memorial of shouting, a holy convocation;
ye do no servile work, and ye have brought near a fire-offering to Jehovah.’

Leviticus 23:23-25 YLT


This lands Yom Kippur, the 10th day of the 7th month on Sept 27.  However, the rabbis decided (man made traditions) that Yom Kippur must never land on a sunday, with back-to-back Shabbats.  That’s why they moved the first day of the month to Sept 19 this year (beginning at sunset near the end of the 18th).  This rule is nowhere in the Bible, so we leave Yom Kippur exactly where it lands, on Sept 27.

This is why it is so good to be FREE to follow the Word! It is a light burden, without all the added-on traditions of men.