Galatians 1: Don’t Pump a Different Gospel

This video on yt:

Galatians 1:6-9’s protection against false gospels, prophecies, visions, dreams, PLUS: a new pump for bicycle tires makes all the difference.

Imagine this: A very eloquent preacher shows up in the city or on the internat and makes convincing arguments for why it all makes perfect sense to follow his religious ideas.  How can people avoid deception?  What if people cannot manage to formulate counter-arguments?

Or, this: A flash of lightning appears in the living room and a 15-foot tall angel appears wearing a white robe, with a loud voice and overpowering presence that immediately blows up the microwave, toaster, and all electric light bulbs.  He delivers instructions and a powerful religious message.  How does one deal with that?

Here in this video I attempt to explain a powerful Scripture that was given in order to help us.  If this info had been widely known, many lives could have been saved.  Don’t be duped!


Will Gaza Attack Israel Again?

In May 2021, Gaza launched over 4,000 rockets at Israel, in many attempts to overwhelm Israel’s “Iron Dome” defensive technology. The tech still functioned at 90% effectiveness. Militant groups in Gaza are undoubtedly preparing for another attack, while regional powers such as Egypt and Qatar work for negotiations.

Jpost Article link:



70 AD Temple Destroyed

July 18, 2021, Samaria:  In the video I claimed that I do not know whether another temple will be built; that means, the timing.  Obviously, I am well aware of Ezekiel 39-40, but I do not want to get into all that in a 7-minute video. For now let’s say that how and when those chapters would be fulfilled is a mystery to me personally.

What I see is that in this current time of history we are still way back in Ezekiel chapter 36, particularly verses 8-38. And yes it does seem to me that chapters 36 and 37 would chronologically precede chapters 38 & 39. How much time must elapse from one chapter to the next is up for speculation. Now is the time to make the best of the era in which we find ourselves.

Right now we are in the middle of Ezekiel 36:25 fulfillment: the sprinkling of water.  That phase has already taken decades, and it is not yet finished.  After that comes removing the heart of stone – far from happening yet – and after that, its replacement with a heart of flesh.  There is a very specific purpose for this heart change:

And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do [them]. Ezekiel 36:27 (AV)

Sprinkling of water leads to heart change

Heart change leads to Elohim’s indwelling Spirit

Indwelling Spirit leads to Israel walking and practicing YHWH’s statutes and judgments.

And this whole process began with YHWH bringing the people back to His Land of Israel while yet unrepentant.

Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not [this] for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name’s sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. Ezekiel 36:22b

I’d like to invite all readers and viewers to pray and ask YHWH what can be done personally to advance this process as seen in Ezekiel 36:25-28.