We’re getting a new security fence

Three Palestinian Arabs (Non-Israelis) work to replace the old security fence around my tiny Jewish village.

1 Aug, 2022:  I like to take prayer walks around the village in the mornings.  It helps to clear my head and get a bit of simple exercise.  I listen to audio chapters from Proverbs in the headphones and pray in tongues.

So just a little about the situation here as I do my work:  This little Jewish village is located in Samaria, aka “the west bank,” specifically in Area C which has a majority Israeli Jewish population (under Israeli law), alongside  a minority Arab Non-Israeli population who answer to the Palestinian government, while ultimately, the entire areas A, B, and C are under the authority of the Israel Defense Force.  Here, the Arabs are able to find jobs in Jewish cities and towns, as long as they have the proper work papers.  However, Israelis under no circumstances are allowed to work, dwell, or even enter the non-Israeli Arab towns here.

This village is surrounded by several such Arab villages, as well as several Israeli villages.  Each Israeli village is surrounded by a security fence with guards 24-7.  Arab villages in this area have 100% employment rate, due to the proximity of the Israeli villages where the Arabs find work.  Every day, Arab non-Israelis enter and exit this village at the designated times for work, along with their legal work permits.

The photo above shows three such Arab construction workers, employed in rebuilding and renewing the security fence around the Israeli village.  The old fence is old, rusted, and looks like it’s perhaps 30-40 years old.  The new fence appears to be rust-proof steel, and sturdier.  The workers are using heavy machinery to dig the post holes. Tomorrow, those post holes will be filled with concrete with the new posts stuck right in there as they harden.

Obviously, there’s a risk.  Jewish homes – including where I rent – are located just a few yards/meters from this fence under construction.  Any of that construction machinery or tools could be used against Israeli civilians or their houses.  And such incidents are known to happen from time to time.  In addition to prayer and protection from Elohim, practically on the ground, there is also the Israeli Defense Force, which patrols the area, uses spy techniques to learn about evil plans ahead of time, and offer Defense.  I’ve spoken many times with the foreman of this crew, a Muslim Palestinian, and he’s a friendly nice guy who speaks fluent Hebrew.  I believe that he and his wife and children usually have more to gain by personally keeping peace with the Jews here.

More historical background: This is Area C of Israel, which, along with Areas A and B, were under Jordanian control until Jordan joined with Egypt in massing troops against Israel in 1967 – and then lost when Israel miraculously overcame.  International Law clearly states that the defensive party can legally keep any land gained while defending itself against aggressors.  The world conveniently likes to forget that when it comes to the Jews.  But how did Samaria (West Bank) fall out of Turkish hands and into Jordanian hands in the first place?  Well, in World War One, Britain won all the land (current Israel AND Jordan) from the Turks, and Britain held control until WWII.  At that point, Britain reneged on her promise to grant the entire land to the Jews, and instead chose to partition the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for the majority of the land, while saving a sliver for the Jews.  The Jews were immediately required to defend their sliver from 1948 forward.

Obviously there are different narratives and opinions – and my intention is not to get into squabbles about history, but just to address the fact that I work in a very complicated and nuanced situation.  For example, did you know that there are around 2 million Israeli citizens who are Arab, and Muslim?  Full citizens, with full citizenship and rights to acquire any job, home, opportunity, anywhere in Israel.  And Arab Israeli sits on the Supreme Court.  Said population is rather distinct from the Palestinian Arabs who do not hold Israeli citizenship.  Many of them were offered Israeli citizenship and refused.  Many of them hold Jordanian citizenship even while living here.  Nuanced, complicated, and impossible to describe in just a few paragraphs.  And yet this is where I do the work.




Struggling? Some tips that work for me

Challenging times, indeed.  Lockdowns, reductions in income, increases in costs, loss of friends and family contact, poverty, loneliness. I’ve been struggling, and in the daily work, I find that I’m not the only one. Far from it.

What has worked for me is learning how physiological changes can make an improvement.

For example, exercise, stretching, and power poses.  These have great support in scientific studies.  Here’s what I’ve learned:

120 seconds of hands lifted high Yes, I nerd-out and set a timer to make sure I complete two full minutes – that’s important.  Hands high overhead is my power pose always included in my morning.  I read somewhere that two minutes is the minimum needed to release the right physio stuff.  Spiritually it’s cool, too.

Stretches: I use a couple dynamic moves including: “World’s Greatest Stretch” (funny name, but true–just ask any trainer). If I feel great I might do more stretches, with more focus on hamstrings, quadriceps and specific muscle groups, but these are the bare minimum “must do” dynamic stretches that get done even on my worst days.  I take about 30 seconds for each pose, no stopwatch needed.  Somewhere between 4 and 8 movements for each stretch does the trick for me.

Fifteen to Thirty minute brisk walk I used to think that jogging and sprinting were so much better than walking, and in some ways they are.  But for emotional and mental health, walking has a couple of advantages:  It takes less motivation to accomplish, and the minimum needed is just hitting a half hour walk, a mere three times per week.  I can do that even on my worst weeks – and when I don’t feel up to 30 minutes, I simply cut it short to 7-15 minutes for that day.  It helps to do this first thing before taking calls, checking messages, or the schedule.  I start with the pose and stretches above and then walk, no matter what.  I can always add sprints or jogging if I want, but this walking is the minimum.  If I miss a morning, I’ll pay for it about halfway thru the day when I realize my emotions are out of whack.

Pet a Cat:  Now, before this little routine of “hands high,” stretches, and a walk, there is one more thing that demands attention; and that’s my cat along with her kittens.  They rush into the door as soon as I go look for my newspaper.  They’ve been hanging around outdoors all night waiting for me to emerge from my cave to bless them with kibble.  They’re grateful and if they allow me to pet them they cut back on the negativity.  Eventually I’ll probably have a dog again, but with my travel and work schedule, right now the cat(s) is/are a good fit for my lifestyle.  Plenty of street cats in Israel, digging through the garbage cans.  No shortage there.  It just so happened that one of them really hit it off well with me.  And then she brought her kittens to my door.  One is adopted to a new home, and three to go.

Other basics:

Sleep: Enough hours, the optimum hours, the optimum darkness levels:

Enough hours – check to find what’s optimal for your age bracket and activity level.

Optimum hours: Every dark hour slept before midnight counts as if it were two hours after midnight.

Early wake time: To reset the cycle, get that back-of-the-knees area of the skin out and exposed to the morning sunlight.  That area of skin has the sensors which reset the body clock.  Using the sun’s light more and artificial light less is a good way to stave off depression.

Optimum darkness: Blackout curtains / eye mask; no LED’s or other types of electronic lights in the room; all communications devices out of the room on their chargers in the kitchen.

If I’m doing all the above things, along with Bible study, prayer and worship, and still struggling, I then seek to amp up with these tools:

Poverty:  It can take clear thinking, prayer, and action steps to get out of a financial slump.  I’ve often found that poverty can be downright miserable.  Get the above steps in order and the ideas just start flowing.  But it’s often too difficult to find those action steps when there’s sleep deprivation, lack of enough exercise and decent nutrition.

Loneliness: Even casual conversations on the street, in the market, or with neighbors is better than nothing.  I speak as more of an extrovert; those weighted toward the introvert side might not even care about loneliness so much.

Mindfulness: I journal every day – minimum three pages which comes out to about 750 words when typed. Works great for me.  Stream of consciousness stye.  I feel worse when I skip.  Sure, my first few paragraphs might be bland “to do” lists, but by the end of it I’ve certainly tapped into the deeper things my mind has been working on, as well as the struggles and challenges.

Caffeine Limits: Important for me to keep stress and heart rate down by keeping away from coffee and replacing it with green tea or phenylalinine vitamins (that’s an amino acid) whenever possible.  Further, coffee is not such a great source because it can strip away calcium and magnesium from the body.  Both of these minerals are good for bones and teeth, and magnesium in particular is good for mood and muscle recovery.  So, we should be looking for foods which deliver more calcium and magnesium, rather than remove those minerals out of our bodies. If a little mental energy helps, better to get it from good nutrition and green tea rather than coffee.

Therapy:  For me, IFS has worked better than CBT, but others have done fine with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.  To me, too much talk was just talk talk.  Internal Family Systems is evidence-based and generally successful, along with EMDR.  Here’s a great book on the topic written by a believer.

I’ve not had to use them, but i read that prescribed antidepressants are on the rise, yet researchers do not really understand the long term effects of how they work. Yes we know that they effect brain chemicals such as serotonin, but the evidence also shows that they inhibit the brain’s natural ability to produce serotonin.

To my mind, SSRI’s are not an option for me if I’m not even petting a cat first thing in the morning and getting a 15 minute walk in along with a couple of stretches.  Walking a full 30 minutes is not that hard to do 3x per week.  With no car, I get 20 minutes walking just to the bakery.  What would feel even better is getting in a gym with squats and deadlifts.  But the time, money, and motivation are not always there. But as for SSRI’s, the article states that therapists have been prescribing them a bit to easily to too many people, without enough evidence, rather than these activity choice-based solutions which are quite well supported by science.


All this is emphasized in the below article, which references a recent study.

A central paragraph states:

“The authors of the review encouraged further research and advice into treatments focusing on managing stressful or traumatic events in people’s lives, such as psychotherapy, exercise or mindfulness, or addressing underlying contributors such as poverty, stress and loneliness.”

But as for the cat, I’ve already gotten one of her kittens into a new home for adoption.



Photo sources and full article:

Jerusalem Post, 31 July 2022: Trauma and stress, not chemical imbalance, likely cause of depression – study



Updates in Israeli Society

Israeli Postal Service to be Privatized by Mid-2023
July 11, 2022 Jerusalem Post, pg 4. Selling off the Postal service to private investors. For more commentary, see this archival 2011 article: https://www.jpost.com/Business/Globes/Privatization-has-cost-Israelis-dear


And this from 2020. Read the comments for a clearer picture:



Court recognizes marriages held online
July 11, 2022 Jerusalem Post, pg 1.


Violence against Jews in Israel

Israel has been using drones, in accordance with international guidelines, for 20 years at least, but only now allows the Israel Defense Force to admit it publicly. July 21, 2022 Jerusalem Post pg 1.
Arab Palestinian With Working Papers Stabs Bus Passenger in Ramot
Stabbed for being Jewish in the Holy Land: An Arab from Samaria (West Bank) with proper working papers allowing him to work in Israel, stabbed a Jewish man while riding the bus. July 20, 2022 Jerusalem Post pg 1.
Israeli Cop Killed in Raanana by 17 Year Old Arab with Working Papers
Barak Meshulam was killed for being Jewish. The killer is an Arab from Samaria (West Bank) with proper working papers to work in Israel. July 18, 2022 Jerusalem Post, pg 1.

Unusual Planes Overhead

2022-07-11 Samaria, Israel:

So, Israel has recently shot down drones from Iran and Hezbollah (Iran’s proxy army terrorist group which runs the Lebanese government and is active in Syria as well). As for nukes in Iran, this time around neither the USA nor the Israeli government are stable and strong enough to do much: Israel increasingly needs to look to YHWH alone for protection. Meanwhile, USA’s President Biden travels to Saudi Arabia this week, I suppose to make oil deals, which is odd considering he closed down lots of oil business in Texas; but anyway… and then after that, the White House plans to stop by Israel for a visit, and the government coalition has just fallen apart here, last week.

So with all that in mind, this morning an unmarked military plane, about the size of a C-141 passed over my house in Samaria. It was an unusual sound, much lower rumble than the commercial planes ✈️ and instead of flying west towards Ben Gurion airport, this one was heading South-East. Very strange. Two minutes later, a plane with commercial markings and colorings followed behind on the exact same path.

Therefore, I think that flight had less to do with Iran, and more to do with Saudi Arabia. It may have been US or Israel military and support staff heading over to assist the White House people in Saudi Arabia. All this to say – let’s remember to pray for the leaders of the USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, as the Bible instructs us to do – regardless of any opinions we have about them. If we pray for them to become saved, and serve YHWH, and walk according to His purposes, things will certainly be better. Thanks.

Middle East Map
Middle East Map source:

Most Expensive City in the World

As of 2021, Tel Aviv has displaced Paris as the most expensive city to live in; also outpacing Manhattan and Singapore.

This is largely due to the dollar’s weakness relative to the strengths of the shekel. The result: a US dollar now trades at a 14% loss for the shekel. So the dollar’s buying power in Israel has decreased by 14%.

For every $100, now $114 are needed to buy the same amount of goods in Israel.

Tel Aviv mayor Ron Huldai quoted in Israeli media:

“Tel Aviv will become increasingly more expensive, just as the entire country is becoming more expensive,” he said in an interview with Haaretz. “The fundamental problem is that in Israel there is no alternative metropolitan center. In the United States, there is New York, Chicago, Miami and so on. In Britain, there’s Greater London, Manchester and Liverpool. There you can move to another city if the cost of living is too onerous.”


DVD’s are In: Handel’s Messiah

Hebrew-language Live orchestra and choir rendering of Handel’s Messiah.

Minimum donation $20 (add $5 extra for shipping from Israel), and with each copy shipped, we donate one copy FREE to someone in need. For multiple copies, just $10 flat fee shipping–no matter how many you request.



Just send an offering via JTOD “donate” link page and let me know how many copies you request. Audio CD’s also available for minimum $8 donation. The CD is an excerpt of the audio from the same concert as the DVD.

As you know, I’ve been a part of this choir and on the board for years, proclaiming the Word in song in Hebrew.

The quality of audio and video recording here is excellent. Messiah was originally composed in English in about 2 weeks by G.F. Handel and performed first in Dublin, and over the centuries has been translated into many languages. Finally, a first Hebrew translation has been sung within Israel since 2007 and this is perhaps the best recording, outdoors before a live audience gathered at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. A very special event, indeed.

Text from the back of the DVD case: “The beloved classical oratorio “Messiah” by G.F. Handel performed in Hebrew at the most apt of places – the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem where we remember the resurrection of the Messiah.”

Concert Choir News

We have had a wonderful winter season of concerts for the Ensemble Choir program of liturgical Scripture classical music.

Now available: DVD and CD from our performance of Handel’s Messiah!

In Hebrew!

Recorded Live at Jerusalem’s Garden Tomb.