Purim Sameach: Happy Purim Celebration: Costumes and antics abound in Israel during Purim, the celebration of YAH’s deliverance of His people; written in the Book of Esther.
Source: unknown; Year: unknown.
ReLaTeD pOsT: Purim 2023 Israel News
JTOD – Jerusalem Tabernacle Of David
Join Elohim’s Plan for Amos 9:11
Purim Sameach: Happy Purim Celebration: Costumes and antics abound in Israel during Purim, the celebration of YAH’s deliverance of His people; written in the Book of Esther.
Source: unknown; Year: unknown.
ReLaTeD pOsT: Purim 2023 Israel News
6 Mar, 2023, Samaria: Some say that Israel is already suffering in the third Intifada. The numbers of deaths by terrorist actions during the first two months of 2023 has already exceeded some entire years.
Please continue in prayer, we carry on the work here in trying times.
3 March, 2023, Samaria: “When a Palestinian stands at a bus stop he or she doesn’t have to worry that an Israeli car will ram them. When a Palestinian drives through the West Bank, its passengers don’t have to worry that the driver coming at them with the Israeli license plate will roll down a window, lean out a machine gun and open fire.”
Dear Reader, please keep praying; our work continues under difficult situations here in the West Bank, originally known as Samaria.
20 Mar 2023 Update: A Palestinian man shot a second car driven by Jews through Huwara.
Article: Car riddled by 20 bullets
10 Mar 2023 Update: Arabs respond to Israel’s reaction against terrorism, with more terrorism against Jews:
While Israel bickers over judicial issues, Arabs fire on Jewish shoppers
8 Mar 2023, Jenin, Samaria: The killer of Hillel Menachem Yaniv and Yagel Ya’akov Yaniv was found by Israeli military in a hideout in Jenin, got involved in a shootout with the IDF, and was killed.
27 Feb 2023, Huwara, Samaria: Two sons of a local schoolteacher in my village were killed on 26 Feb by Arabs in Huwara, Samaria:
Please pray; we serve in a dangerous place.
6 Mar 2023, Samaria: The concert was a success, attended by around 900 people; We heard so many amazing comments afterwards; some were moved to tears by the music. Here’s the video and program links:
27 Feb 2023 Jerusalem:
Final preparations and rehearsals. Concert is this week, one night only, in Jerusalem.
Choir is 84 people plus soloists. Full accompaniment by the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, with Eli Jaffe, conductor.
Feb 8, 2023, Samaria: Israel Defense Force (IDF) has sent a field hospital to Turkey to treat survivors of the earthquake which affected Turkey and Syria. Last night here in Samaria we had an aftershock, 4.0 on the Richter Scale. Personally, I didn’t feel it, but that’s normal for a 4.0.
Let’s continue to pray for safety for Syrians, Turks, and Israelis.
Feb 9 update:
Israel has sent 15 aircraft full of hundreds of tons of supplies, with medical people, a 150 person rescue team, and 230 persons to staff the field hospital.
1 Feb 2023, Samaria: A tough week; we had to bury our Third Gingie Kitten, almost 11 months old. A cat virus attacked all the kittens and thankfully the other two recovered and survived. Here they are in the bathroom, thinking long and hard about going out the cat door into the wind and rain of February in Samaria:
The Third Kitten didn’t survive to complete 11 months; that virus that almost killed the other two actually managed to cut the third’s life short. We’ve cared for their mommy cat, and the kittens from their birth, mid-March 2022.
The two are mostly indoors now, and safe from the chilly cold nights outside. They have full freedom to go in and out independently. The mommy cat never took to indoor life very much. She prefers to roam the neighborhood and get food wherever she goes. She’s fixed (as are the kittens) and she still appears quite healthy. The kittens have learned to play fetch with the ball! Such joyful creatures.
ReLaTeD ArTiClE:
23 Jan, 2023, Samaria: Much of Samaria and Judea is located in Area C, the Jewish-majority portion. Leftists wish to prevent Jews building here, Rightists seek to prevent Arabs building here. The leader of the new right-wing government has said that neither would be allowed to build illegally.
22 Jan 2023, Samaria:
The Palestinian was trying to commit a stabbing attack on a Jewish farming community.
Update: See this linked post.
13 Jan 2023, Samaria: We are in rehearsals with several choirs in preparation for this March 2, 2023 performance with the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra.
A December 2016 performance of just the final section, with our Kamti Ensemble Choir:
Details, Names of Performers and Conductor, and Tickets:
Support JTOD’s expenses while in rehearsals: