Proverbs 19:1

“Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.” Proverbs 19:1 AV
In so many potential situations, there might be something to be gained financially through some type of deception. It might be hiring workers and then paying them less, or selling a car for more than it is worth, or selling pharmaceutical medication that injures people while telling them that it will heal them. Lies.
“Perverse lips” means speech that is twisted rather than straight. When a person wants to know the truth, he may say to his friend, “Give it to me straight, bro,” meaning, stop with the excuses and the stories and tell the truth plainly, if you can. This is why the Scriptures which scribes had written in the Aramaic language is called “Peshitta” (puh-Sheet-ah) because that means “the Straight” in Aramaic; it means that these particular scribes placed a high value on straight writing, and they avoided twisted writing, perverse writing which is designed to re-interpret and bend the meanings.
In books as well as in speech, “bending the truth” can bring much profit. But this Proverb states that it is better to be poor while speaking straight, and writing straight, than any riches or fame that may be gained by bending the truth or hiding the truth. At the end, the Proverb teaches that bending the truth is a foolish thing to do. Why? The truth-bender would say, “Hey, I can make a lot more money to feed my family if I bend the truth.” Sure, in the short term. But in the long term, since YAH sees and knows everything, and nothing to be hidden from Him, therefore in the long term it is foolish to conceal the truth, or bend the truth, or any such thing.
Notice how this verse does not pose a contrast between a truth-speaker who is poor, versus a truth-bender who is rich. No – the contrast is between a truth-speaker who is poor versus a truth-bender who is, by virtue of his perverse speech, “a fool” rather than “rich.”  Very interesting.  The fool is thus “poor” by virtue of his lack – of wisdom.
I love the wisdom of the Proverbs, don’t you?

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Electric Bike Maintenance

30 Sept 2022, Samaria:  This week the bike got a flat again, so my travel was more limited until I could do the patch right here on the patio.

Goldie the mother cat was hardly around, but her remaining three grownup ginger kittens were very curious about the tools and bike parts.

Finished that up early this morning, so I could ride over to the Arab Muslim (Israeli) city – the nearest bank branch ATM – to make the rent payment. On the way back, I even asked an electric bike mechanic to check the internal gears on the electric motor.  The price was fair, and when he opened the motor, he cleaned and lubed the inside. A nice Muslim guy, speaking Hebrew with me; he showed me his work, and the gears were actually fine and didn’t need replacing. Just some new high quality grease.


That’s my tire on the bench; the hub motor with its internal gears are disassembled, cleaned, and greased before it’s all put back together again.




Remembering Sgt Liel Gideoni (1994-2014)

30 Sept 2022, Samaria:  You probably know that I go out prayer walking around the village every day.

This morning, I saw a bumper sticker that stood out to me.  What a smile!

This guy is special, and deeply missed by his family. Liel was just 20 years old at the time.

The morning of Aug 1, 2014, around 7 or 9:30 AM, terrorists from Gaza suddenly emerged from a terror tunnel dug by Hamas, with materials financed by Iran.  It was an ambush against the Israeli soldiers, less than 72 hours after the US and the UN had brokered a cease-fire.


An example of bumper stickers in Israel. This one is a memory of the late Sgt Liel Gideoni, from Jerusalem, who served in the Givati Brigade of the IDF; Gidoni was killed on Aug 1, 2014 in an ambush in southern Gaza shortly after the “cease fire” was announced.

With English letters, Liel’s surname is sometimes spelled with or without the “e.”

Liel Gideoni was posthumously promoted to Sergeant.


“No soup for you,” says Ben & Jerry’s

20 Sept 2022, Samaria: If you’re in Samaria while Jewish, then you don’t get any ice cream.

That’s the message from Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream.


If you’re Jewish while in Samaria, then you don’t get any ice cream, say Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield of Ben & Jerry’s. Jerusalem Post, 20 Sept 2022 pg 6.

Living here in Samaria, I must say, it sure is nice to have the freedom to choose Ben & Jerry’s branded flavors in the local supermarket from time to time.

Even though Ben & Jerry sold their company to Unilever, they retained control of the brand’s “social mission,” and on that basis, they sought to manipulate Unilever to pull the brand license from the Israeli company which holds the rights to produce the ice cream here.

However, Unilever said this is not social, but an operational issue, and Unilever has completed the sale of the rights, in Israel.  So now the courts will have to decide.

Ben & Jerry’s was a Jewish American company until its sale to Unilever, and apparently, Ben Cohen, Jerry Greenfield, and their board, wish to use their brand name to protest.

In Israel, the brand is licensed, manufactured with Israeli ingredients, sold and distributed by a Jewish Israeli small business owner.  That is, unless Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield in the USA get their way.


Bus Driver Example Salary in Israel

2022, Summer: Israel’s newest bus company seeks to attract drivers with a starting salary of 15,000 shekels per month.

(On 18 Sept 2022, this equates to $4,382.9669 US Dollars with the rate 1 ILS = 0.292198 USD and 1 USD = 3.42234 ILS).

Meanwhile, the schoolteachers union reached a compromise with the government education ministry, thus, the teachers have gotten a raise this year, about 300 shekels per month higher than that shown in  this report.

New bus company paying drivers 15,000 shekels per month. Free license training.



Related articles:

Average Salaries: 2022 Israel Report is In

Arabs Shoot Jewish Bus Driver In Face; Passenger Takes Over, Steers Bus to Stop

Highway Sinkhole on Shabbat

18 Sept 2022: Sinkhole opened up in one lane of the Ayalon Highway on Shabbat, the 17th of September.  While religious Jews generally do not drive on Shabbat, secular Jews, Muslims, and Christians who do not observe Shabbat use cars as they wish. This sinkhole in a Tel Aviv highway suddenly appeared during Shabbat; thankfully, no cars fell in.  Generally, each town and city passes zoning laws which determine how many shops (if any) or restaurants are permitted to open on Shabbat; there is some variety place to place because of the different religious views which people hold.

Large sinkhole photo & article; Jerusalem Post, 18 Sept 2022 pg 1.


40 New Sponsors Requested ($5 to $100 monthly)

15 Sept 2022:  Jerusalem Tabernacle of David has a prayer group of supporters and intercessors who have seen the need for more sponsors to come on board.  There is a gap between the regular monthly donation level and the monthly costs to fulfill contracts and expenses to operate in the Land.
New donors are invited to commit $10 per month, $100 per month, more or less, as each one is individually led by YAH.
Here is a potential line-up:
10 supporters giving $5 regularly;
9 supporters giving $10 USD each month;
7 supporters giving $20 per month;
7 supporters giving $50/mo;
7 supporters giving $100 USD per month;
(That’s 40 people, $1330 total extra, which covers the gap)
Dear Reader, a few questions raised in the prayer group:
“Who can commit which amount of monthly support?”
“Who is going to pray to get those 40 supporters?”

Donate now.

Get in touch.

IDF Commander in Samaria killed in clashes with Arabs

The late Major Bar Falah, pictured on the front page of “Israel HaYom (Israel Today)” Hebrew newspaper, 15 Sept 2022 pg 1.

15 Sept 2022, Samaria:  Last night in Samaria, there were clashes between Arabs and the Israel Defense Forces.  An Israeli commander fell in the battle.  Rough translation of the front page:  “The heavy price of the war on terror: vigilance in the Jewish state after the fall of the late Major Bar Falah in an encounter in Samaria– The IDF on high alert.”



Germany apologizes for its part in 1972 Olympics disaster

6 Sept, 2022:  Germany apologized for failing to keep the Arab killers away from the Jewish athletes; while the leader of the Palestinian Authority government utterly failed to apologize for these murders committed by people from his movement.


Portraits of the victims of the 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre are displayed at the Fuerstenfeldbruck airfield in Bavaria yesterday (5 Sept 2022). Germany aplogizes for failure to protect Israelis in 1972 Munich Massacre (in which Arabs snuck into the housing where Jewish athletes from Israel sayed). Source: Jerusalem Post, 6 Sept 2022 pg 1.


Less than one month ago, PA leader Mahmoud Abbas had the platform in Germany, and outraged Germans and Jews by trivializing the Shoah (Holocaust).  Link here:

The Cost of Victimhood


6 Sept 2022 Article:


Worst side of mixing sports and politics:


The Munich Massacre also killed our faith in the postwar order: