Guest Article Post: When is the Passover Lamb Eaten? From the Aramaic English New Testament:
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When is the Passover Lamb Eaten?
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Guest Article Post: When is the Passover Lamb Eaten? From the Aramaic English New Testament:
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When is the Passover Lamb Eaten?
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Fortunately, we have literature which has survived tyrannies, written by those who opposed them:
28 Mar 2023: While many feel the protests are necessary, others see that it’s not worthwhile to shut the nation down over the issues:
The stated purpose of the legislation is to build a balance of power between the three branches of government.
Keep Israel in prayers for peace.
21 Mar 2023, Samaria Update on David Stern:
20 Mar 2023, Samaria: In the second Palestinian shooting against Jews who were driving thru Huwara in three weeks, a former US Marine, a dual citizen in his 30’s was severely wounded, while his wife fainted.
Huwara is located near Nablus (Shechem), about 20 minutes from here. Keep us in prayer for protection as we do our work in a troubled area of the world.
Three weeks ago, two sons of a schoolteacher in my village were shot and killed while driving a car through Huwara.
See article: Clashes in Samaria
14, 19, & 22 Apr 2023: Our spring concert season:
Brahms’ German Requiem, in other words, funeral music, translated into Hebrew, performed with our 16-voice choir accompanied by two pianists.
The text is a bunch of Scriptures about death, the grave, its unavoidability, and the future hope and resurrection; “we shall not all sleep,” and the last Shofar.
Our Scripture ensemble choir is named “Fiat Lux,” Latin for “Let there be Light.”
Thanks to our donors who help towards our travel expenses and ongoing costs:
13 Mar, 2023, Samaria: Amidst domestic issues, political upheavals, demonstrations, Israelis of various stripes and opinions still have enemies in the same land who would like to make all Jews disappear forever.
This broad-daylight shooting occurred in a section of Tel Aviv where I pass through regularly; in fact, this afternoon I’ll be in that area again. Please pray for the work here, in difficult conditions.
21 Mar 2023 Update on Or Eshkar, may he rest in peace:
9 Mar 2023, Tel Aviv Dizengoff Center:
This comes one day after Arab leaders called for more violence to protest Israel’s reactions to their terrorism:
As it turns out, many areas and highways were closed yesterday due to Israeli demonstrations.
Israel does not yet have a Constitution; as a result, there is still a great need for finding balance between the Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and Legislative Branch. As it stands, Israel is not up to modern standards for free societies with this lack of balance.
Please pray, because we serve in a troubled place.
March 9, 2023, Jerusalem: Offering gas deals to Italy, Israel hopes to convince Italy to break away from Europe in recognizing Israel’s own capital city.
Other news Ancient Silver Currency and Stricter Modern Shabbats
7 Mar. 2023, Samaria: More lighthearted goofs from Israel during Purim (and one real news article – see if you can spot the difference):
Deri, a corrupt government minister found guilty in court, has been bargaining lately for a ministerial position in the newly formed government.
And now, regarding the cats of Israel:
The cats demand Full Kitizenship.
ReLaTeD PoSt: Kittens of the Cat Colony
A road near the Prime Minister’s house in Jerusalem is named after Gaza since it points in that direction:
More hilarity for Purim: Purim Sameach as snail crosses road