Female Jewish pedophile sentenced

25 Aug 2023, Israel:  Malka Leifer had been the school principal at a religious Jewish girls’ school in Australia.

When caught, she escaped to Israel to hide. For many years, Australia fought long and hard to extradite her back home for trial. Not that Israel was unwilling, but Malka Leifer’s lawyers argued she was insane, and thus unfit for extradition.

"Court in Australia sends Malka Leifer to prison for 15 years;" Jerusalem Post, 25 Aug 2023 pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 25 Aug 2023 pg 1.

“Court in Australia sends Malka Leifer to prison for 15 years;” Jerusalem Post, 25 Aug 2023 pg 1.

Pray for our work amongst troubled people.

Arabs with Israeli citizenship arrested for terrorism ties

25 Aug 2023, Samaria: The city of Kfar Kassem is near me, and I often shop there.

Lod is a city near the airport. It’s a mixed Arab and Jewish city. Whereas Kfar Kassem is a pure Arab Muslim Israeli city.  In both cities, all residents have Israeli citizenship, ID cards, voting rights and privileges.

"Police arrest 4 Arab Israelis for Hezbollah ties;" Jerusalem Post, 25 Aug 2023 pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 25 Aug 2023 pg 1.

“Police arrest 4 Arab Israelis for Hezbollah ties;” Jerusalem Post, 25 Aug 2023 pg 1.


Hezbollah (aka Hez b’Allah, “party of god,”) is an Iran-backed terrorist organization with the parliamentary and governmental control of Lebanon.


Please pray for our work.

Secret Service vs Arab-Israeli murder rate

24 Aug 2023, Jerusalem:   Prime Minister Netanyahu, together with cabinet leaders, have issued an order to the Shin Bet, Israel’s Secret Service, to confront the spate of political killings among the Arab Israeli population.  This is significant and the Shin Bet has jumped at the chance to fulfill this order.

"Shin Bet to join battle against rising Arab-Israeli murder rate; Agency instructed to target crime groups said to be behind onslaught;" Jerusalem Post, 24 Aug 2023, pg 1.
“Shin Bet to join battle against rising Arab-Israeli murder rate; Agency instructed to target crime groups said to be behind onslaught;” Jerusalem Post, 24 Aug 2023, pg 1.

“Shin Bet to join battle against rising Arab-Israeli murder rate; Agency instructed to target crime groups said to be behind onslaught;” Jerusalem Post, 24 Aug 2023, pg 1.

Pray for our work here in a complicated Land.


Push for a million Jews in Samaria by 2050

24 Aug 2023, Jerusalem:  In opposition to the US State Dept which consistently, Biden or not, prefers zero Jews living in Samaria and a halt to Jewish construction in any of the Land fairly and legally obtained during the Six Days’ War (1967), the head of Samaria, Yossi Dagan, has called for construction and social plans to achieve a doubling of Jewish citizens in Samaria over the next 30 years.

Arguably, Israel has the legal right: By international law, when aggressor nations (such as Jordan and Egypt) lose an aggressive war against a defender nation, the defender gets to keep any land they win while defending themselves.  Israel, and its Israeli Defense Force, were the defenders in every war, including in the Six Days’ War of 1967.

Arguably, to fabricate an exception to this law in the case of the Jewish state’s winnings, while applying no such exceptions to any other land disputes worldwide, is an act of antisemitism.

Working definition of antisemitism contains 11 parts, including (#8):  “Applying double standards by requiring of it [the Jewish state] a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.”

No other democratic nation has been pressured to not annex land obtained in a defensive war.


"Settlers push for a million Jews in Samaria by 2050;" Jerusalem Post, 24 Aug 2023 pg 1.
“Settlers push for a million Jews in Samaria by 2050;” Jerusalem Post, 24 Aug 2023 pg 1.

Pray for our work in Samaria.


Iran behind attacks in Samaria and Judea

23 Aug 2023, Jerusalem:  Israel’s government recognizes that Iran funding and directives are behind the Palestinian acts of terrorism against Jews in Israel.  Israel has recently attacked Iranian outposts in war-torn Syria.  Iran apparently seeks to take advantage of the problems in Syria, and fill the void there with military bases from which to launch kinetic attacks at Israel.

Iran’s goals have been thwarted somewhat by Israel’s secret incursions into Syria to attack the Iranian bases there.  Iran’s response: mobilize Palestinians with finances and funding to attack Jewish civilians.

Israel’s response: Continue to call attention to Iran’s actions and backing of terrorists.


"Israel hints of more strikes at Iranian, Hamas targets; Two suspects arrested in killing of Batsheva Nigri;” Jerusalem Post, 23 Aug 2023 pg 1.
“Israel hints of more strikes at Iranian, Hamas targets; Two suspects arrested in killing of Batsheva Nigri;” Jerusalem Post, 23 Aug 2023 pg 1.

“Israel hints of more strikes at Iranian, Hamas targets; Two suspects arrested in killing of Batsheva Nigri;” Jerusalem Post, 23 Aug 2023 pg 1.


Pray for our work in a challenging region. 



Second hand smoke – new Israeli study

23 Aug 2023, Israel:  A new legal proposition in Israel does not even address the problem of second-hand smoke.  Yet, a new study shows that half of Israeli households are exposed to 2nd-hand smoke from the neighbors; and that a smoking household can affect up to 10 other households.

"Half of households exposed to neighbors' second-hand smoke," Jerusalem Post, 23 Aug 2023 pg 6.
“Half of households exposed to neighbors’ second-hand smoke,” Jerusalem Post, 23 Aug 2023 pg 6.


"A breath of fresh air," Jerusalem Post, 24 Aug 2023, pg 9.
“A breath of fresh air,” Jerusalem Post, 24 Aug 2023, pg 9.


Consider that Israel is a relatively new state in the modern world, and missing some of the accepted laws and rules which are common in other states.

Pray for our work here.


Terrorists gun down hitchhiking mother and driver

22 Aug 2023, Hebron:

“Preschool teacher Batsheva Nigri was ‘a fun, happy woman,’ her Beit Hagai neighbor Hannah Zarichon said Monday on N12, after she was gunned down by terrorists in the presence of her 12-year-old daughter on Route 60 near Hebron… Nigri, mother of three, … was buried Monday night in Kfar Etzion.” (“Batsheva Nigri – ‘an infectionus laugh and a huge smile’;” Jerusalem Post, 22 Aug 2023 pg 1.)

“Batsheva had hitched a ride from Beit Hagai to Kiryat Arba.  The driver, Aryeh Gottlieb, 39… was in serious but stable condition from gunshot wounds…”

(“Terrorists gun down mother in front of daughter; ‘We’re in wave of terror we haven’t known in a long time,’ says top general;” Jerusalem Post, 22 Aug 2023 pg 1, 7.)

Photo of “Terrorists gun down mother in front of daughter; ‘We’re in wave of terror we haven’t known in a long time,’ says top general;” Jerusalem Post, 22 Aug 2023 pg 1, 7.

Operation Home and Garden began July 3 and ended July 5, 2023, and was active only in Jenin.

Operation Break the Wave in March 2022 and is ongoing, nationwide, but with a focus in Northern West Bank (aka Southern Samaria) after a spike in terrorist attacks began in 2021.

Yesterday’s attack in Hebron would be considered Southern West Bank, located in Judea.

“This is the fifth Israeli to die in a terrorist attack this month and the 29th victim this year. Twelve of the terrorist attacks took place in the West Bank (Samaria and Judea), but this was the first fatality this year in the South Hebron Hills.” (article, pg 1).


Pray for our work in troubled West Bank (Samaria).



Man stoned and car set on fire by Muslims

20 Aug 2023:  In the map below, see Turqus Aaya where a man took a wrong turn with his car and had to be rescued by the IDF after he was attacked with stones and his car set on fire.

North of there, Huwara, the site where father and son were shot to death at a car wash.

South of there, south of Hebron, a car was shot up in a drive by shooting this morning (21 Aug 2023).

I am located northwest of there in Samaria near the line at Rosh haAyin.




Article link: jns.org/israel-palestinianconflict/palestinian-authority/23/8/21/311923/


Please pray for our work in a difficult area.





Israeli woman killed, man wounded by Arabs near Hebron

21 Aug 2023:  An Israeli woman, 39, was killed and an Israeli man was wounded this morning near Hebron in a drive-by shooting. This is considered a very serious attack this morning; we can expect an uproar.

Screenshot from Channel 11 "Kan," 21 Aug 2023 showing the site o a terrorist attack near Hebron.
Channel 11 “Kan,” 21 Aug 2023.



Screenshot from Channel 14, 21 Aug 2023 showing the site o a terrorist attack near Hebron.
Screenshot from Channel 14, 21 Aug 2023 showing the site o a terrorist attack near Hebron.

Update to this story.

Pray for us as we do our work in Samaria, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv.