Poverty is 1 in 5

13 Jan 2023, Samaria: 32.6% of people between age 35 and 67 lived below the poverty line in 2021. About 20% overall.

Jerusalem Post, 13 Jan 2023, pg 10.




Ancient Silver Currency and Stricter Modern Shabbats

9 Jan 2023 Samaria: New archeological discovery confirms that silver metal coins were used for transactions here as of 3600 years ago:

Jerusalem Post, 9 Jan 2023 pg 1.

Also news: The new, more religious government in Israel is making changes to enforce Shabbat further than before in the national level:

Jerusalem Post, 9 Jan 2023 pg 1.






Israel Now Update: 21 Dec 2022

21 Dec 2022, Samaria: Ms. Furchner was 18 when she worked as a secretary of an office of a gas camp. She claims ignorance even though her office was shown to have a direct line of vision view of the gas facilities; her husband in 1954 admitted his knowledge of the deadly activities in that camp:

Jerusalem Post, 21 Dec 2022 pg 1.

While Nazareth is a predominantly Arab Christian Israeli city, the victims have traditional Muslim names.  So they are Muslim Arab Israeli citizens who were attacked, probably related to the drug dealing business.

Jerusalem Post, 21 Dec 2022 pg 1.

US Antisemitism Must Be Checked

7 Dec 2022: Representatives from the Jewish Community are in meetings this week with the White House.

“When you allow antisemitism to go unchecked, it’s never just the Jews who are at risk [although] they are always first,” said Ted Deutch, CEO of AJC, quoted in the article.

Jerusalem Post, 7 Dec 2022 pg 2.


Jerusalem Post, 7 Dec 2022 pg 2.

Rosh haAyin resident attacked by terrorist, UN calls it ‘a scuffle’

5 Dec 2022 Israel Now report: The terrorist tried and failed to open the car door to attack the man pictured (below, left) and his wife.  Then the terrorist found a rock and smashed the rear passenger window.  At that point the driver (pictured) drew his weapon and fired.  The terrorist fled, and stabbed a nearby soldier in the face.  When other soldiers approached he resisted arrest for awhile before being fatally shot.


Victim interviewed by Channel 11, 5 Dec 2022. The terrorist attacked him while he and his wife were driving their car Friday night.
Jerusalem Post, 5 Dec 2022 pg 9.

This News post is intended to give a snapshot of life in Israel.
This is the environment where we do our work.
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Israel Now Update: 1 Dec 2022

1 Dec 2022, Samaria: In the wake of the Israeli elections, various political parties vie for power as the coalition tries to form.
One of the issues at hand: If highly religious parties make it in, they may try to alter the immigration laws, making it possible to immigrate only if one has the maternal Jewish link according to the Law of Aliyah. For decades, the Law of Return has also allowed grandchildren to immigrate as well.  This article is full of quotes from a Knesset member whose party is comprised mostly of immigrants from the FSU under the Law of Return.

Jerusalem Post, 1 Dec 2022 pg 1.


Flu season: Unknown what this would do to travel requirements for tourists.

Jerusalem Post, 1 Dec 2022 pg 6.


And something cool from Archeology!

Jerusalem Post, 1 Dec 2022 pg 1.


This “Israel Now” post is intended to give a view of life in Israel.  This is the environment where we do our work.  Please consider sending a donation.


Israel Now update 30 Nov 2022

30 Nov 2022, Samaria: Following after last week’s bus station bombing that left two dead and dozens injured, yesterday we have a car ramming attack carried out by an Arab with Israeli citizenship, wife, kids, and job at a supermarket. Will the Palestinian Authority financially reward his family for this?

Jerusalem Post, 30 Nov 2022, pg 1.
Israeli Jewish Mafia is still in operation:
Jerusalem Post, 30 Nov 2022, pg 6.
The ongoing “Operation Break the Wave” is now six months long. It began in March 2022 after Arabs killed 20 Jewish Israelis.
Jerusalem Post, 29 Nov 2022, pg 1.


This News post is intended to give a snapshot of life in Israel.  This is the environment where we do our work.  Please consider sending a donation to help us keep going.

Double Bombing in Jerusalem

24 Nov 2022, Samaria:  Happy Thanksgiving to friends from the USA.
Today and tomorrow I have Oratorio rehearsals in Jerusalem.

Yesterday two bombs were remote detonated on two buses in Jerusalem, a half hour apart. A third bomb was prevented by security. Last I knew it was 19 injured, 1 dead:  16 year old Aryeh Ahechopek, a Canadian-Israeli yeshiva boy. Bombs were packed with nails and screws dipped in poison to increase carnage.I’m riding the buses in Jerusalem today for one rehearsal tonight, another on Friday morning.

Thanksgiving Day, Jerusalem Post 24 Nov 2022, pg 1.