Seven guarded schoolbuses fetch Jewish children under IDF’s watchful eyes

12 Nov 2023, Samaria: IDF soldiers fully armed, question, inspect, and photograph each bus as it approaches the line. This is after these buses have already passed the checkpoint to even enter the town.

A local school lets out as seven schoolbuses wait in line. A local school lets out while seven schoolbuses wait in line.

This is during wartime, and is in addition to the 24/7/365 checkpoint at the entrance and the school security guards.

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19 terrorists arrested this weekend in Judea and Samaria

12 Nov 2023, Samaria: Weekend arrests: IDF and Shin Bet secret service arrested 19 suspected terrorists, including 9 Hamas members.

Jerusalem Post, 12 Nov 2023 pg 2.
Jerusalem Post, 12 Nov 2023 pg 2.

Second article: Arab Israelis feel more connected to Israel during wartime. I guess they appreciate the protection Israel offers.

What a complicated region!

If it were simple, there would not need to be a war.

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The ceasefire explained

Nov 12, 2023, Samaria: The below would be more accurately titled, “The ceasefire explained,” but for now I’ll leave it just as I found it:

Meme photo of The Conflict Explained
Author unknown.

When Israelis defend themselves, it makes it awfully difficult for Hamas.

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Even Israeli schools have pro-Hamas students and staff

7 Nov 2023, Samaria: It’s not just a Western thing when college students protest silly things. In this case, the students may be Arab Israelis, but not necessarily.

Photo of "Donor threatens to pull Technion funding over feeble response to pro-Hamas students," Jerusalem Post, 6 Nov 2023 pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 6 Nov 2023 pg 1.

In the Middle East, Arabs may be grouped into four categories:

1. Arabs of the nations other than Israel, such as Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, the UAE, and many others.

2. Arab Israelis who vote in Israeli elections, pay Israeli taxes, receive Israeli benefits, and have representatives in all levels of society including the Knesset (parliament) and the High Court.

3. Arab Palestinians who live in Israel but are governed by the PA (the PLO, aka Palestinian Authority), living in the disputed territories.

4. Arab Palestinians whose government had a bloody coup against the PA and established their Hamas government instead. These are in Gaza, a part of Egypt up until 1967, but now an enclave within Israel. Israel ended the occupation in 2005.

To be pro-Hamas in 2023 is not like being pro-Hitler in 1938; it’s akin being pro-Hitler in 1951 or 1971, long after the proof of the atrocities he committed is very well-known.  Even in 1988 the founding charter of Hamas had been published, stating its mission: genocide all the Jews.

Obviously, neither Israel nor Jews practice genocide; otherwise, the population of Gaza would not have grown from 1.4 million in 2005 up to 2.3 million in 2023.  The PA Arabs in the disputed territory and the Arab Israelis also have normal population growth.

Hopefully, this background explanation will help make sense of articles like this one at the top, and oppose the lies. In reality, Israel has no apartheid; it is inclusive of all races. While many of the PA Arabs were offered Israeli citizenship yet refused, in reality, Arab Israelis are found in every level of Israeli society.

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Rockets launchers in the playground

6 Nov 2023, Samaria:  Israeli soldiers in Gaza have identified hidden missile launchers in children’s playgrounds, near swimming pools, and civilian housing. Hamas does this, knowing that when Israel finds where missiles are located, they prefer to destroy them beforehand or, at least hit the launch site after launch to prevent further attacks.

Israel uses weapons to protect its civilians, but Gazans use civilians to protect their weapons.

Photo of article: "IDF says troops found Hamas rocket launchers near playground, swimming pool in Gaza," Times of Israel, 5th Nov 2023.
Article retrieved on 2023-11-05:

Rulers of Gaza put their own civilians in harms’ way just to make Israel look bad.  If Hamas had their way, all these bombed-out war zones would be full of Gazan civilians.  Hamas and Islamic Jihad cynically abuse their Arab brothers, and abuse the international laws, to convert civilian structures into military usage.  That in itself is a war crime.  IDF makes every effort to lead Gazan civilians to safety – even taking fire from Hamas as Hamas tries to prevent the IDF from doing this rescue work.

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