Terrorists gun down hitchhiking mother and driver

22 Aug 2023, Hebron:

“Preschool teacher Batsheva Nigri was ‘a fun, happy woman,’ her Beit Hagai neighbor Hannah Zarichon said Monday on N12, after she was gunned down by terrorists in the presence of her 12-year-old daughter on Route 60 near Hebron… Nigri, mother of three, … was buried Monday night in Kfar Etzion.” (“Batsheva Nigri – ‘an infectionus laugh and a huge smile’;” Jerusalem Post, 22 Aug 2023 pg 1.)

“Batsheva had hitched a ride from Beit Hagai to Kiryat Arba.  The driver, Aryeh Gottlieb, 39… was in serious but stable condition from gunshot wounds…”

(“Terrorists gun down mother in front of daughter; ‘We’re in wave of terror we haven’t known in a long time,’ says top general;” Jerusalem Post, 22 Aug 2023 pg 1, 7.)

Photo of “Terrorists gun down mother in front of daughter; ‘We’re in wave of terror we haven’t known in a long time,’ says top general;” Jerusalem Post, 22 Aug 2023 pg 1, 7.

Operation Home and Garden began July 3 and ended July 5, 2023, and was active only in Jenin.

Operation Break the Wave in March 2022 and is ongoing, nationwide, but with a focus in Northern West Bank (aka Southern Samaria) after a spike in terrorist attacks began in 2021.

Yesterday’s attack in Hebron would be considered Southern West Bank, located in Judea.

“This is the fifth Israeli to die in a terrorist attack this month and the 29th victim this year. Twelve of the terrorist attacks took place in the West Bank (Samaria and Judea), but this was the first fatality this year in the South Hebron Hills.” (article, pg 1).


Pray for our work in troubled West Bank (Samaria).



Man stoned and car set on fire by Muslims

20 Aug 2023:  In the map below, see Turqus Aaya where a man took a wrong turn with his car and had to be rescued by the IDF after he was attacked with stones and his car set on fire.

North of there, Huwara, the site where father and son were shot to death at a car wash.

South of there, south of Hebron, a car was shot up in a drive by shooting this morning (21 Aug 2023).

I am located northwest of there in Samaria near the line at Rosh haAyin.




Article link: jns.org/israel-palestinianconflict/palestinian-authority/23/8/21/311923/


Please pray for our work in a difficult area.





Israeli woman killed, man wounded by Arabs near Hebron

21 Aug 2023:  An Israeli woman, 39, was killed and an Israeli man was wounded this morning near Hebron in a drive-by shooting. This is considered a very serious attack this morning; we can expect an uproar.

Screenshot from Channel 11 "Kan," 21 Aug 2023 showing the site o a terrorist attack near Hebron.
Channel 11 “Kan,” 21 Aug 2023.



Screenshot from Channel 14, 21 Aug 2023 showing the site o a terrorist attack near Hebron.
Screenshot from Channel 14, 21 Aug 2023 showing the site o a terrorist attack near Hebron.

Update to this story.

Pray for us as we do our work in Samaria, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv.






This Shabbat, two Jews were killed in cold blood while running errands in an Arab town

21 Aug 2023, Samaria:  While writing this post, another Arab attack against a Jew is reported on the TV, an Israeli car was shot up near Hebron. A woman (39) has died, the driver, a man is wounded critically; unknown condition of a 1-yr old passenger and a 15-yr old hitchhiker.


As for the attack two days ago, Silas Nigerker, 60, and his son Avia Nir, 28, went to the Muslim town of Huwara to do work on their car, and visit with friends.  Silas was well known and well-liked there and knew many Muslims personally. They were shot at point-blank range at a car wash on the afternoon of Shabbat.

Photo of article: "Right calls for military campaign to root out West Bank terrorism; IDF continues search for Huwara terrorist who killed two Israelis;" Jerusalem Post, 21 Aug 2023, pg 1.
“Right calls for military campaign to root out West Bank terrorism; IDF continues search for Huwara terrorist who killed two Israelis;” Jerusalem Post, 21 Aug 2023, pg 1.


Photo of article: "Everyone in Huwara knew him;" Jerusalem Post, 21 Aug 2023, pg 1.
“Everyone in Huwara knew him;” Jerusalem Post, 21 Aug 2023, pg 1.


Photo of "IDF searches for terrorist who killed father and son in Huwara; Security forces brace for revenge attacks from Jewish extremists;" Jerusalem Post, 20 Aug 2023 pg 1.
“IDF searches for terrorist who killed father and son in Huwara; Security forces brace for revenge attacks from Jewish extremists;” Jerusalem Post, 20 Aug 2023 pg 1.



Photo of grave site from article: "Right calls for military campaign to root out West Bank terrorism; IDF continues search for Huwara terrorist who killed two Israelis;" Jerusalem Post, 21 Aug 2023, pg 1.
“Right calls for military campaign to root out West Bank terrorism; IDF continues search for Huwara terrorist who killed two Israelis;” Jerusalem Post, 21 Aug 2023, pg 1.



Pray for us as we do our work in Samaria, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv.








Aliyah crisis – Some Ethiopian Israelis identify as Christian

18 Aug 2023, Samaria: A front-page article reveals that Ethiopians since 2020 were allowed to immigrate to Israel as a humanitarian act for reunification of families. And yet this created a crisis since 3,000 of the 5,000 people identify as Christian rather than as Jewish.

“Two-thirds of recent Ethiopian immigrants identify as Christian; Government appoints envoy for aliyah crisis;” Jerusalem Post, 18 Aug 2023 pg 1.

Image from "Two-thirds of recent Ethiopian immigrants identify as Christian; Government appoints envoy for aliyah crisis;" Jerusalem Post, 18 Aug 2023 pg 1.
“Two-thirds of recent Ethiopian immigrants identify as Christian; Government appoints envoy for aliyah crisis;” Jerusalem Post, 18 Aug 2023 pg 1.

Please Pray for Israel’s complicated demographic situation.

Pray for our ongoing work.

Israel-bashing headlines

16 Aug 2023, Tel Aviv:

Israel has been in turmoil for many months because of Parliament (Knesset) legislation (a proposed law) which seeks to bring some balance between the Judicial Branch, the Executive Branch, and the Legislative Branch of government.

Many of the same nations which have such balance have opposed Israel for attempting to create the same balance.  For 30+ years, the Judicial Branch in Israel has held veto power of the Legislative and the Executive branches.

As Israel attempts to come into the modern age and create such balance, condemnation has rained down against Israel – external attacks such as “that’s anti-democratic.”  That’s rich, coming from pro-democratic states which themselves have a better balance.

Israel has no Constitution, but it does have as set of Basic Laws which are meant to suffice meanwhile.

Five recent headlines regarding global antisemitism mentioned here in this excerpt from “The government’s gifts to Israel-bashers:”

Photo of “The government’s gift to Israel-bashers,” Jerusalem Post, 16 Aug 2023 pg 9.
Jerusalem Post, 16 Aug 2023 pg 9.


“Inquire for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee.” Ps 122:6

Inquire, and pray Israel in general, and pray for our work here. 


Middle East Update on Iran and the Abraham Accords

15 Aug 2023, Samaria:

Abraham Accords after 3 years; let’s have an update:

Article image from "Three years on, Abraham Accords changed the lexicon of the Middle East" Jerusalem Post, 14 Aug 2023, pg 1.
Article image from “Three years on, Abraham Accords changed the lexicon of the Middle East” Jerusalem Post, 14 Aug 2023, pg 1.

What is happening with the USA’s Biden Administration, the State Dept, with the proposed nuclear deal with Iran – and how does that affect Israel and the Middle East?

Article image from "US-Iran Deal will support terrorism, Israel warns," Jerusalem Post, 13 Aug 2023, pg 1.
Article image from “US-Iran Deal will support terrorism, Israel warns,” Jerusalem Post, 13 Aug 2023, pg 1.

Please Pray for our ongoing work in a troubled Land.




Israelis spoke Hebrew on the phone in Berlin and this happened

7 Aug 2023, Berlin, Germany:

Two Israeli teenagers, 18 and 19, probably a boy and a girl (I’m just guessing), spoke on a phone in Hebrew while on vacation in Berlin-Kreuzberg, Germany.

A car pulled up, 3 men got out, questioned the teens in German, and with no answer in German, they began beating the 19yr old (probably the boy).  The 18 year old was not beaten, which leads to my guess that it was probably a girl.

“Israeli tourist, 19, beaten in Germany,” Jerusalem Post article below:

Image of the article, "Israeli tourist, 19, beaten in Germany," Jerusalem Post, 7 Aug 2023 pg 2.
Jerusalem Post, 7 Aug 2023 pg 2.



Protests against judicial reform continue

23 July, 2023, Samaria, Israel:  The protests continue and have intensified.  Last night police estimate between 30,000 and 40,000 people were on the streets:


Image of the crowd, protesting, as shown on the front page of Jerusalem Post.
Jerusalem Post, 23 July 2023, pg 1.


The editors of the Jpost have shared an opinion column, which includes a reference to a prescient comedy tv show that described this “near civil war” situation in advance by several years:

Photo of the first half of the Jpost editor's column regarding the protests in Israel.
Jerusalem Post, 23 July 2023, pg 9.


New report: Prime Minister Netanyahu will undergo tonight a medical procedure to install a pacemaker. He will be released tomorrow just in time to get to the parliament for the vote on the judiciary reform legislation.


Please pray for peace and wisdom in all levels of Israeli society.

Pray for our work in this very complicated part of the world.










Israeli protests for 15 consecutive Sat nights