Israeli news anchor speaks out about the war


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Romy Giur is one of those survivors and we thank the good LORD for that. She lives right outside of Tel Aviv and witnessed the deadly violence and destruction from Hamas terrorists at least two of her friends died at the music festival in which 260 people were killed, another a military member died in the fighting. Romi, you join me now, we’ve now seen the music festival so many people across the world with paratroopers coming in the enemy from the sky. Talk to me about that. Not just the sky actually, Harris the sky, sea and land; literally hundreds of terrorists infiltrated Israel, went into the area of the party, the Nova party; I was actually supposed to be at that party I was supposed to go to that party my friends they went uh to that party who turned into a horrific Slaughter water house full fullblown massacre. I know I do not have a lot of time so I want to share with you Harris and the viewers just one story one testimony of someone who was there and was able to get out of there there alive if I may; a friend of a friend: We were able to hide in an all command [police] post. There were many people hiding there, some were crying, some were shouting, and others were in shock. My best friend Liron was helping the wounded; the gunshots were getting closer; and a policeman who was with us said pray and run.

We started running and I heard how people were falling one after the other. Hamas was shooting at us non-stop. I was able to reach an ambulance and as I looked back I saw that I was alone Liron didn’t make it.

Wow I I listen to you and and it’s not happening to somebody else it’s happening to you and the people that you love and I can’t even imagine so what are you what are you watching for that you need right now to learn more about is it that the United States is getting more involved what what are you pinning your hopes on now if I understand your question correctly um then obviously the support of the United States is a big big Comfort if I could say thank you if it would matter to anyone then obviously I am thanking the support of the United States if I can tell you about what I am feeling as a citizen an Israeli Jewish person that this is nothing we’ve ever seen before we are dealing with the most Savage animals known to mankind families were murdered in inside of their homes hundreds got abducted over to Gaza children women men babies elderly I have people on the news looking for their grandmother mothers screaming their lungs out searching for their sons and their daughters the the the Fe it’s just it’s horrible I can’t I cannot even explain I don’t think a human mind can even comprehend this situation over 6,000 Rockets even even 7,000 I don’t even know were fired towards Israel so far we are dealing with the worst enemy the worst enemy my condolences go to to the families that actually been through this horror movie in the southern city cities of the country and still are going through it in the South and still of course still are going through it and also the most terrifying number of the all you know we have over 900 people who got murdered you know if let me ask you over 2,000 wounded um and and the number now is above 2,600 for wounded just from our our last reporter you you were in a position as someone who works in media in Israel to to get so many of the stories like what you shared with us and and I’m wondering what you can educate a wider audience about the kbits and how it is that Hamas would know to hit that to go in and now with reports of babies being beheaded how they know that that that is where they go why if I understand your question correctly first of all I must say I do not live in a kibbutz I live in a small city next to Tel Aviv so I and it’s by membership only and they’re typically small yes but also we must remember that all of those places kibes and um uh suburbs I’ll say these are all literal next to the wall that separates Israel from Gaza a so when they broke in through the wall that separates us from them uh it was an immediate Target because it was right next to it the Gaza Strip is a very hot area here in Israel and I’m not talking to you as a reporter or a TV anchor I am speaking to you as a scared terrified terrified civilian that had lost a lot of friends and if I may Harris I know we don’t have a lot of time but there is a few words I would want to read for you and the American audience that is now watching us if I may go ahead never since the Holocaust did so many Jews died in one day but Hamas doesn’t kill only Jews they killed Muslims beds men women children Kamas is the new Isis right now almost a thousand people were murdered and hundreds were kidnapped to the people at home watching I want to say that Israel didn’t choose this war but will act decisively to defend its people and bring our men women and children back from Gaza we will need the support of the American people at these Harsh Times and together we will end the terror that threatens not only Israel it threatens the entire free world and on a personal note I want to thank the people of the United States for all the support and help we need to spread the word about what is really going on in Israel well and from what I’m hearing hearing this could be a protracted long battle to root Hamas out um from where you are Royer thank you and thank you for being able to as you so graciously put it um tell us what it’s like to feel that but also report to us what it is to be among it from a reporter’s perspective as well you did both my friend God bless you be well.



Pray for our work in challenging times.

Cyber attack in the kibbutzes

10 Oct 2023, Samaria: Amnon Ziv, an eyewitness in one of the kibbutzes near Gaza, Netiv ha-Asara, reported that at 6:35 am on Shabbat, the cell phones had no connection, phone lines broken, and no electricity. He thinks it was a cyber attack. Ziv was interviewed on Channel 12.

Pray for our work.

Flights in and out are scarce

  • US airlines cancel direct flights
  • About a third of Tel Aviv flights cancelled Monday
  • Regulators urge caution but have not closed Israeli airspace

Oct 9 (Reuters) – Major international air carriers suspended or scaled back flights to or from Tel Aviv, while Russia banned night flights to Israel, after a surprise attack by Hamas militants over the weekend and a threat of escalating conflict raised safety concerns.

About 50% of scheduled Tel Aviv flights did not operate on Sunday and a third were cancelled on Monday as of Monday evening in Israel, according to Flightradar24, a flight tracking website.

New Jersey native Lauri Bader says on Friday, she was enjoying lunch outdoors with her daughter.

“Yesterday was the perfect day here in Israel. Everything was fine and calm and beautiful and busy and vibrant, normal. And then this morning, we were woken up to a siren at 7:30 and we had to go to a safe room, which is like a bomb shelter,” she said.

New Jersey tourist describes fleeing Israel

Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport was packed with passengers eager to flee, filled with uncertainty.

“It took four hours to get to the gate. It was a madhouse,” tourist Alan Goldfarb told CBS New York.

Goldfarb arrived from New Jersey on Thursday and was supposed to start a two-week tour on Sunday. Instead, he and his sister found themselves in a bomb shelter in their hotel. Outside, the city looked like a ghost town.

He spent $2,000 for one of the last seats open on a flight back home.

Pray for our work in troubled times.

Some thoughts on the war

8 Oct, 2023, Samaria: 

Well, the war is in full effect.

During the night around 5:10 am the doors and windows rattled; Since no Arabs broke thru my apartment, I think it must have been sonic booms from fighter jets passing high overhead. I turned on the Israeli news hoping to see live views of Gaza hit by surgical strikes, but nothing, just more commentary and opinions about the war so far. Hamas is bringing much sorrow to the people of Gaza; they are the ones that will suffer for what Hamas has done to Israeli civilians in cold blood. And yet, when the voters in Gaza voted for Hamas to replace the Fatah party government in 2006, then-President Obama comforted the world saying that we need to respect the democratic process in Gaza. Hamas then began throwing the Fatah members of the former government off the top of high rise buildings and dragging their bodies through the streets. The State Department had no criticism for that. There has never been an election in Gaza since. Whether the voters actually voted for Hamas or whether that election was rigged, either way they are stuck with Hamas in power unless they have their own uprising. However they seem to be blinded by their hatred for Jews to the point they have not been able to see the enemies in their own ranks who do not hesitate to use them as human shields.

Sadly, this time I suspect that Hamas will use the 165+ Jewish hostages in Gaza as human shields to protect their bases and munitions from Israeli fire. So I would think it would be a great strategy to break with Israeli tradition and use the Air Force to flatten all military areas in Gaza without any respect to whoever is there. This won’t happen. If Israel did so, it would convince Hamas for good that there is zero value in taking hostages – which would be a good thing. But Israel has built up a strong reputation of showing more restraint than any army in the whole world. Israeli army has dropped paper fliers and sent millions of text messages to the cell phones in Gaza to warn the people of incoming fire and the location. After that Israel drops “knock knock” empty bombs on the rooftop to alert the people inside that the real bomb is coming within a couple minutes — giving them time to get out. All of this weakens Israel’s strategic advantage, obviously, but this is what Israel does in order to preserve civilian lives in Gaza.

Thus, if Israel is not going to bomb Hamas and Islamic Jihad military assets along with all civilians nearby, I would expect that Israel will instead sacrifice scores of young men with a ground troop invasion into Gaza, hoping to rescue hostages and neutralize Arab military assets. This would be bloody, in an arena of urban guerrilla warfare.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the two reigning organizations in Gaza, have zero concern for civilians, whether they be their own Arab civilians, or the Jewish civilians of Israel. Yesterday morning during the Shabbat and the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles they flew over the fence with powered paraglider ultralights, motorcycles, brand-new Toyota pickup trucks with military guns mounted, full of weapons and men, and by foot. They swept into a Jewish all-night trance techno party and mowed the people down with guns as they fled in the dawn light towards their cars. The surviving partiers said that they had heard the rocket explosions but thought it was part of the music. Many partiers were taken as hostages. The terrorist rode into border towns, shooting everyone on sight, breaking into homes, slaughtering civilians indiscriminately and taking hostages. Obviously all that Hamas and Islamic Jihad does (and both parties have publicly taken responsibility for starting this war) does is multiple war crimes according to international law. My Israeli friends who have served in the Intelligence departments of the Army are completely mystified as to how a border breach could go undetected for enough minutes for such attacks to occur. The Israeli people will have to be persistent if they will ever get any satisfactory explanations from the peoples’ army, the Israel Defense Force.

Where is the nations’ condemnation of Hamas? All I see so far is the normal false equivalence: “We condemn violence on both sides.” There is no equivalence between an army that acts morally and lawfully and an army that does not. One type of violence is quite different from the other and both types cannot be leveled with a blanket statement of “violence,” unqualified. Such behavior from the world media outlets must not be tolerated.


We request your prayers and financial support during this difficult time.


Missile alerts from the Tzofar app and Red Alert app.

The War of October 2023

8 Oct 2023, Samaria: 50 solar years to the day after the surprise attack of the Yom Kippur War, Arabs mounted a surprise attack on the last day of Succot, the Feast of Tabernacles.

Pray as we continue the work.

"The inferno in the south," Front page, Israel HaYom, 8 Oct 2023. Featuring the scene of the youth from the all-night party fleeing towards their cars in the morning while Arabs shot them in the back causing a massacre.
“The inferno in the south,” Front page, Israel HaYom, 8 Oct 2023. Featuring the scene of the youth from the all-night outdoor dance party as they fled towards their cars in the morning while Arabs shot them in the back causing a massacre.


Tzohar app notification of rocket attacks against israel, 7 October 2023, by 8:23 in the morning.
Tzohar app notification of rocket attacks against Israel, 7 October 2023, by 8:23 in the morning.


Jerusalem Post, 8 Oct 2023, pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 8 Oct 2023, pg 1.


Tzohar app notification of rocket attacks against Israel that landed near the airport, 7 October 2023, by 9:40 in the morning.
Tzohar app notification of rocket attacks against Israel that landed near the airport, 7 October 2023, by 9:40 in the morning.


Tzohar and Red Alert applications notified of more rocket attacks this morning.
Tzohar and Red Alert applications notified of more rocket attacks this morning.


Channel 12 news people speaking about approximately 300 Israelis dead, 1,800 injured.
Channel 12 news people speaking about approximately 300 Israelis dead, 1,800 injured.


Jerusalem Post, 8 Oct 2023, pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 8 Oct 2023, pg 1.


Jerusalem Post, 8 Oct 2023, pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 8 Oct 2023, pg 1.


Jerusalem Post, 8 Oct 2023, pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 8 Oct 2023, pg 1.


Jerusalem Post, 8 Oct 2023, pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 8 Oct 2023, pg 1.


Jerusalem Post, 8 Oct 2023, pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 8 Oct 2023, pg 1.


"Day of Blood," Israel HaYom, 8 Oct 2023.
“Day of Blood,” Israel HaYom, 8 Oct 2023.


"50 years and we didn't learn a thing," Israel HaYom, 8 Oct 2023.
“50 years and we didn’t learn a thing,” Israel HaYom, 8 Oct 2023.


Scenes from the town of Yachini, Israel HaYom, 8 Oct 2023.
Scenes from the town of Yachini, Israel HaYom, 8 Oct 2023.



Front page, Israel HaYom, 8 Oct 2023.
Front page, Israel HaYom, 8 Oct 2023.


"Neglect '73, Neglect '23," Front page, Israel HaYom, 8 Oct 2023. Featuring the scene of the bulldozer from Gaza opening up the final barrier that had blocked the terrorist from entering by vehicle and by foot.
“Neglect ’73, Neglect ’23,” Front page, Israel HaYom, 8 Oct 2023. Featuring the scene of the bulldozer from Gaza opening up the final barrier that had blocked the terrorist from entering by vehicle and by foot.



Pray as we continue the work.

Israeli Border Police wounded in Tulkarm

6 Oct 2023, Samaria:  The IDF and the Border Police each give a different version of the story.  The Border Police used a grenade against the terrorists, one version said that the grenade bounced off a fence back towards the Police, the other version says that the terrorists acted quickly and threw it back.  The difference may be either a desire to avoid embarrassment, or a lack of accurate information in a high-speed event.  Either way, no testimony is made available from the officers involved.


"Five border policemen wounded in Tulkarm clash; troops hit by own grenade; Main terrorist suspect flees;" Jerusalem Post, 6 Oct 2023, pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 6 Oct 2023, pg 1.

While the main terrorist fled successfully thus far, another terrorist opened fire on the police and was then hit by return fire from the police.

Pray for our work in a challenging land.


Holiday efforts against terror attacks in Samaria and Judea

Holiday efforts against terror attacks in Samaria and Judea

6 Oct, 2023, Samaria:  This week I was invited to direct a group visiting from overseas that wanted to visit Joseph’s Tomb and the ancient site of the Tabernacle at Shilo.


IDF wounds Palestinian gunmen in Nablus firefight [near Joseph's Tomb]; Terrrorists shoot at israeli on scooter, IDF fires back; Israelis targeted in attempted attack in Huwara," Jerusalem Post, 6 Oct 2023, pg 2.

I cautioned them that because of the situation currently, we would not be able to visit the tomb where Joseph’s bones were laid after Israel brought the bones up from Egypt. We would however need to drive through the general area near the tomb.

We could visit Shilo but since it’s along Route 60 we need to do so with someone who knows the area well, to avoid the risks from amongst the Arab settlements along the route.

While we were in Shilo, they had red heifers on display!

Red Heifer cows on display in Shilo.
Red Heifer cows on display in Shilo.

>>> 16 Jan 2024 Update on Red Heifers – Hamas says they caused this war! <<<

Now we see that in two days since, there have been several attacks, both at Joseph’s Tomb, and also along Route 60. There was also attacks in Huwara, and as reported on page 1, a clash in Tulkarm where a handful of Border Police officers were harmed.

Pray for our work in a difficult situation.

Saudis make deal progress, Iran issues threats; violence averted inside Israel

2 Oct 2023, Samaria: Joining forces against the possibility of a nuclear-powered Iran, the Saudis and Israelis work towards a deal and are making progress.

To the surprise of no one, Iran responded by threatening to blow everyone up; thus legitimizing the need for a Saudi deal in the first place.  Also – Iran thus confirmed Netanyahu’s warnings about Iranian nukes over the years, while the world tried to believe Iran’s lies that it was only for civilian use.

Meanwhile, last night, a car bomb explosion in Re’em Junction was partially interrupted by secret police, and an Arab gun workshop near Ramallah was destroyed by the IDF.

Raisi is president in Iran; Gallant is Israel’s Minister of Defense:

"Raisi attacks Israel-Saudi deal, Gallant invited to US: 'Iran can make fissile material for bomb in two weeks,'" Jerusalem Post, 2 Oct 2023 pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 2 Oct 2023 pg 1.


This gun workshop with lathes and machinery for making guns, basically a gun factory, had its machinery destroyed and the IDF exploded bombs in the space.  Arabs tried to prevent this by attacking the soldiers beforehand:

"IDF razes another Arab gun workshop," Jerusalem Post, 2 Oct 2023 pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 2 Oct 2023 pg 1.


It appears that Israeli Secret Police were following criminals on the way to a crime scene, when the criminals successfully exploded a car, killing two. The police apprehended the criminals and a gunfight ensued, injuring one criminal and killing the other.

"Two dead, two wounded in car explosion," Jerusalem Post, 2 Oct 2023 pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 2 Oct 2023 pg 1.



PRAY for our work in a troubled land.

“Ask ye the peace of Jerusalem, At rest are those loving thee.” (Psalm 122:6; Young’s Literal Translation).

Prayer as political protest

27 Sept 2023, Samaria:  Seculars protested against Security Minister’s religious stance with a provocative open-air mixed prayer on Yom Kippur; Ben-Gvir plans some sort of provocative counter prayer gathering in response.  I observed on TV that the secular argument was like, “You pray in the synagogues with your own traditions, why block us from praying outside, in our own way?” The religious argument was, “Seculars, reform, and orthodox prayed with us in my synagogue in Jerusalem and had no problem following our traditions. Why do you provoke us by doing that out in the open like that?”  Complicated.

"Ben-Gvir plans protest prayer after Kippur clashes; Herzog: Pouring oil on flames threatens unity; Coalition MKs oppose security minister's move," Jerusalem Post, 27 Sept 2023 pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 27 Sept 2023 pg 1.

“Ben-Gvir plans protest prayer after Kippur clashes; Herzog: Pouring oil on flames threatens unity; Coalition MKs oppose security minister’s move,” and “US furious over ‘premature’ announcement on visa waiver,” Jerusalem Post, 27 Sept 2023 pg 1.

Pray for our work in the Land.