Genocide – a word coined in 1944

Nov 13, 2023, Samaria: Israel does not want to commit genocide against anyone. Not Arabs, not Muslims, not Christians; no one.

Photo from "There are no words," Jerusalem Post, 13 Nov 2023 pg 9.
Photo from “There are no words,” Jerusalem Post, 13 Nov 2023 pg 9.

Until the world recovered from the Hitler shock and what the occupiers had done, the language had no need for the word genocide. So, Raphael Lemkin coined the word in 1944, in “Axis Rule in Occupied Europe.”

It’s not that Jew-hatred never existed before that; just that its scale and methodology had never required a word.

As Churchill pointed out, when the Mongols invaded Europe in the 16-century, they used a merciless and methodical butchering on a massive scale. Hitler was the first since the Mongols to exercise murder of innocents at such scale – and so, the word was coined.

What a shame and an insult to turn that word into an accusation against the Jews. If not for Jewish suffering – would the word ever have come into existence?

Two hundred and forty hostages from 30 different nations are still held by Hamas in Gaza. Most of the world behaves as if this is acceptable; Are they victim-blaming the Jews?

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Ancient Jewish Synagogue in Gaza, 508 AD

9 Nov 2023, Samaria:  In 1965 under Egyptian occupation of Gaza, an ancient synagogue was discovered in dating back to 508 AD.  At first, Egyption archeologists assumed it was a church, but upon further research, they agreed it was a synagogue.  The mosaic tile floor had artwork with David written in Hebrew, with a picture of David playing what appears to be a psaltery, with docile animals nearby.

Museum photo of the mosaic recovered from the ancient Jewish synagogue in Gaza, circa 508 CE/AD.
Museum photo of the mosaic recovered from the ancient Jewish synagogue in Gaza, circa 508 CE/AD.

After discovery, the Arabs of Gaza defaced the mosaic, so following the Six Days’ War of 1967, it was removed from that location to be restored at the Israel Museum.

“Nowadays, visitors can marvel at the mosaic floor of the synagogue in the Museum of the Good Samaritan, located near the Jerusalem-Jericho Road close to the Israeli settlement of Ma’ale Adumim. One of the most renowned panels in the mosaic floor portrays King David, identified by a Hebrew inscription reading ‘David,’ as he plays the lyre with a gathering of docile wild animals before him.”  Source: Jerusalem Post:

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Seven guarded schoolbuses fetch Jewish children under IDF’s watchful eyes

12 Nov 2023, Samaria: IDF soldiers fully armed, question, inspect, and photograph each bus as it approaches the line. This is after these buses have already passed the checkpoint to even enter the town.

A local school lets out as seven schoolbuses wait in line. A local school lets out while seven schoolbuses wait in line.

This is during wartime, and is in addition to the 24/7/365 checkpoint at the entrance and the school security guards.

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19 terrorists arrested this weekend in Judea and Samaria

12 Nov 2023, Samaria: Weekend arrests: IDF and Shin Bet secret service arrested 19 suspected terrorists, including 9 Hamas members.

Jerusalem Post, 12 Nov 2023 pg 2.
Jerusalem Post, 12 Nov 2023 pg 2.

Second article: Arab Israelis feel more connected to Israel during wartime. I guess they appreciate the protection Israel offers.

What a complicated region!

If it were simple, there would not need to be a war.

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