American Israelis fighting for Israel’s protection on Thanksgiving Day

23 Nov 2023, Samaria: Thanksgiving is here and the hostage deal is delayed; government officials close to the negotiations say the deal won’t be closed before tomorrow.  Any deal is suspect anyway – who would trust Hamas to keep any promises? At any rate, we can see from the article below that because of what Hamas did on Oct 7, the sole peaceful civilian bridge between Israel and Gaza – where twenty thousand Gaza workers passed every day to and from jobs in Israel – has become a war zone thanks to Hamas.

Excerpt from Times of Israel, captured Nov 23, 2023: “The sole avenue of coexistence that became a Hamas killing field:   Gaza workers used to pass through Erez. So did medical patients, diplomats, UN personnel. Then terrorists struck. Reservists, including a Google staffer from Denver, show ToI around.”


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Wagner Group back under Putin’s control, supports Iran and terror groups against Israel

22 Nov 2023, Samaria:  Putin has regained control of the Wagner Group, which is funded by the Kremlin.  As we’ve explained previously:

Putin trained Hamas for Oct 7 attack

Wagner Group trained Hamas and supplies Hezb’Allah

The Wagner Group has been found to have provided military training for Hamas in its year-long preparation for the Oct 7 sneak attack on Israel.

Now we see that the US State department has conducted their own intelligence investigation and found the same, and that Wagner Group also works with the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen who have been attacking Israeli and USA forces in the Middle East for a month.


Click to zoom:  Yemen’s Houthi attack helicopter boarding the Galaxy container ship, because they believed it was linked to an Israeli businessman.  Source: Times of Israel.


In early 2021, the incoming Biden administration removed the Houthis from the list of terrorist organizations.  They now will consider reversing that decision.  The State Department now believes that the Wagner Group is arming Hezb’Allah or Iran in their wars against The Jews.

Interesting that the Kremlin hates Muslims when it comes to Uighurs or people of Chechnya, but happily unites with Muslims against Jews.

Full article at ToI:

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Biden Birthday Wishes

21 Nov 2023, Samaria:  A bit of Jewish American kindness and birthday wishes mixed with sarcasm–for all that Pres. Biden has done to promote peace in the world.  H/t to Emily Austin, appearing on the Gutfeld! show on Fox:

Direct link:

A little bit of comedy to get the ideas across.  

Posted on our channel at “Bomb Shelter Bibles.”

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Rocket fire spikes while IDF gains ground

21 Nov, 2023, Samaria:  That missile alert last night at five minutes past 6 pm reached me in Samaria, in the nation’s Center.  And yet that somehow coincided with advances that the IDF had made in norther Gaza.  Meanwhile, IDF troops at the Lebanon and Syria borders are dealing with snowfall at those elevations.


Photo of "IDF advances in northern Gaza but rocket fire spikes," Jerusalem Post, 21 Nov 2023 pg 1.
Photo of “IDF advances in northern Gaza but rocket fire spikes,” Jerusalem Post, 21 Nov 2023 pg 1.

So does this mean that missiles are fired from southern Gaza, or from uncontrolled parts of northern Gaza? I bet the IDF is well aware of the answer.  The Iron Dome system spots the origin of the rockets, and mathematically discovers their trajectory in order to eliminate them midair.

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Comedians defending Israel

20 Nov 2023, Samaria:  Eretz Nehederet is a show worth checking out. Humor disarms the psyche, and allows fresh ideas to enter the mind.

Photo of “Comedians defend Israel by what else? Making ‘em laugn,” Jerusalem Post, 20 Nov 2023 pg 16.
Jerusalem Post, 20 Nov 2023 pg 16.

Photo of “Comedians defend Israel by what else? Making ’em laugh,” Jerusalem Post, 20 Nov 2023 pg 16.


Wagner Group back under Putin’s control, supports Iran and terror groups against Israel

Wagner Group trained Hamas and supplies Hezb’Allah

Hamas shoots at fleeing Gazans

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Antisemitism rampant on major sources of news
Watch the West Bank

Antisemitism rampant on major sources of news

20 Nov 2024, Samaria: Large segments of the world are currently getting their news from TikTok, an app controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The app is near to being banned in the USA.

Photo of "Celebs say TikTok 'biggest antisemitic movement since the Nazis,'" Jerusalem Post, 20 Nov 2023 pg 16.
Jerusalem Post, 20 Nov 2023 pg 16.

“Celebs say TikTok ‘biggest antisemitic movement since the Nazis,'” Jerusalem Post, 20 Nov 2023 pg 16.

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Watch the West Bank

20 Nov 2023, Samaria:  A warning: How the anti-Israel fuse could be ignited any moment in Judea and Samaria:

Screenshot from
Haaretz, Nov 16 2023.

Judea and Samaria: The nations seek to strip the place of its Biblical significance by its misnomer, “west bank.”  Since 1967, Judea and Samaria are now home to 500,000 Israeli Jews and 2 million Arabs; the Arab popullation answers to the PA (PLO) civil law and Israeli Military courts.

In the past 2 years leading up to the massacre of Oct 7, Arab violence against Jews in Judea and Samaria was increasing; in fact, swaths of the Israeli government were led to believe that this was the main concern, and that Hamas rule in Gaza was no longer interested in attacking Israel; Hamas fostered this false belief by not siding with Gaza’s “number 2 organization,” Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s (PIJ) constant missile attacks against Israel.


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West Bank – 21 wanted terrorists arrested overnight, 6 were Hamas

17 Nov 2023, Samaria: 6 Hamas operatives were among the 21 Palestinian suspects arrested overnight in Judea & Samaria (West bank).

Screenshot from HaAretz article retrieved on 17 Nov 2023.
Screenshot from HaAretz article retrieved on 17 Nov 2023.

Even as missiles still fall in the south and in the north, and frontline battles continue in Gaza and at the Lebanon & Syria border, here in Samaria and Judea, parts of the 2 million Arabs here are continuing their war against their half-million Jewish neighbors also in the west bank.



Source: HaAretz News site.

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Oct 7 Massacre is a reminder of the necessity of Jewish power of self defense

16 Nov 2023, Samaria:  It’s rumored that some American Jews fled from Israel on planes – only to be greeted by such antisemites at the US airports thta they turned around and went right back to Israel, saying it’s safer there.

Photo of "A tipping point for North American aliyah?" Jerusalem Post, 16 Nov 2023, pg 9.
Excerpt from “A tipping point for North American aliyah?” Jerusalem Post, 16 Nov 2023, pg 9.

The Oct 7 attack on Jewish civilians wasn’t a response to Israel being cruel to Palestinians.  It is a reminded that unprovoked antisemitic barbarity can rise at any moment – and Jews need to be ready.


Ancient Jewish Synagogue in Gaza, 508 AD

The ceasefire explained


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Netanyahu to Erdogan: Don’t lecture us

16 Nov 2023, Samaria: As Turkey falsely calls Israel a terror state, Netanyahu retorts, “Don’t lecture us.”

Photo of Jerusalem Post, 16 Nov 2023, pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 16 Nov 2023, pg 1.

Continuation of above article.
Continuation of above article, pg 7.

Turkey harbors several Hamas leaders, and disagrees with the “terror organization” label given to Hamas by some Arab states and most of Europe.

In other words, Erdogan calls good evil, and evil good.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isa 5:20 AV).

Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good. (Prov 14:22 AV).

Nov 12 will see a pro-Israel rally in Washington

Germany and Latvia lead the EU to condemn Hamas, yet EU does not call for ceasefire which would benefit Hamas


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