US: Helene, port strike, immigrants: Election Interference

To start, let me just point out that an immigration reform bill that Republicans have proposed in the House was blocked by Democrat leaders in the Senate; and that Democrat-sponsored bills have been seen as non-starters from the Republican perspective.

Hurricane Helene is an historic record-breaking storm that could amount to a major change in the upcoming election.  Together with the man-made illegal immigration crisis and the port strike on the eastern seaboard, this could add up to election interference.

I found connections between the Hurricane Helene and the immigrant problem (clearly a manmade crisis) as well as to the East Coast port strike.

Here, Senator Lindsey Graham states that he pressured Biden and Harris to exert pressure on the corporations at the ports to settle with the workers in order to bring in supplies to save lives in the hurricane zone.  Jump to the point at 2 min 30 sec:

Is it not odd that the port strike would occur at exactly the same time as the hurricane?

Right-center media (Fox News) claims that Harris & Biden abused Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds to import illegal immigrants on 737 planes at 2 am and 4 am directly to cities without public knowledge; and FEMA funds were used to house and feed the illegal immigrants in hotels.

Left media (CNN) flatly states that this is a false accusation, without explanation.

The truth is nuanced:  FEMA did use the funds this way, but this is because Congress permitted it.  Fox News conveniently left that part out, along with Sen. Graham; However, Harris has the tie-breaker vote in the Senate, and surely the Harris – Biden Administration has exerted pressure on Congress to pass that bill.

Rather than address that history, Sen. Graham’s idea is to deflect that issue and instead work on a bill to move hundreds of billions of dollars from the Inflation Reduction act towards disaster relief.

So how exactly were FEMA funds redirected away from emergencies toward paying for the immigrants?  The article below:

“None of the FEMA grants went to state governments that have been giving trouble to the Biden administration — no money went to the states of Florida or Texas, for instance. Awards were made in those states, particularly Texas, but not through the state governments.”

How FEMA Distributes Moneys to Cope with the Surge of Migrants–And a related New York City scandal

For a broad view which may be less right-biased:

“However, there are deeper reasons for the deadlock over immigration. The last comprehensive immigration reform was enacted almost four decades ago, during Ronald Reagan’s presidency…”

North Carolina (NC) is a swing state, meaning, its participation in the national election could “swing” the overall result for the nation.  Pundits usually refer to seven main swing states, or as few as five states, and as many as fifteen; however the majority mention only the most significant swing states as North Carolina, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona, or a similar list:

“The devastating path charted by Hurricane Helene has taken at least 190 lives, decimated entire communities, and cut off access to food, water and power for many. It could also disrupt voting, including in North Carolina, one of just a handful of states likely to decide the 5 November presidential election

“…That deadline may be even harder to meet for the hundreds of North Carolinians who were displaced by Helene, and are required under state law to request new ballots to be sent to their temporary locations.”

Hurricane devastation could disrupt voting in swing state of North Carolina State counties are required to offer at least 13 days of in-person early voting. Many may struggle to meet that.


Increases in Illegal Immigration populations in Swing States under the Harris/Biden Administration:


What are we looking at here: 

An “October Surprise” (election-altering event late in the election year) in the form of an historic record-breaking storm.  Harris and Biden were reluctant to appear for photo ops, and neglected to send Federal help;

A simultaneous port workers’ strike on the entire eastern seaboard, which Harris encouraged, and only after mounting pressure from the likes of Senator Graham did Biden exert pressure on the corporations to reach at least a temporary settlement with the workers;

All this upon the backdrop of the Harris & Biden enhanced illegal immigration – which in itself constitutes election interference–and large amounts of funds diverted from FEMA to instead assist with the immigrants.


If this already seems like two likely connections to the reader, than stick with me for one more: What if the hurricane Helene itself was generated by the HAARP weather control system, under command from the Harris Biden administration?


Well, it took a subpoena and a lengthy fight, but House Republicans have finally uncovered a list of all the U.S. cities to which the Biden administration has been quietly flying HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of illegal immigrants…”


“…the House of Representatives this month [January 2024] launched impeachment proceedings against the administration’s Homeland Security secretary…”

Biden at the Three-Year Mark: The Most Active Immigration Presidency Yet Is Mired in Border Crisis Narrative


The USA needs our prayer more than ever, in the November 5 election season 2024.

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"How FEMA Distributes Moneys to Cope with the Surge of Migrants--And a related New York City scandal;" 
By David North on September 19, 2023

"Hurricane devastation could disrupt voting in swing state of North Carolina State counties are required to offer at least 13 days of in-person early voting. Many may struggle to meet that."
"Biden at the Three-Year Mark: The Most Active Immigration Presidency Yet Is Mired in Border Crisis Narrative;"