IDF sets up neat and orderly civilian tent cities in Gaza to protect Arabs

Look at all these nice neat rows of tents, made of white cloth to reflect the hot sun:

Times of Israel, as captured on 17 Sept 2024.

The IDF protects this area from the Arab armies in order to shield these Arab civilians.  The IDF has moved these Arab civilians here because other areas were converted into military assets by the Arab army – rendering them unsafe for civilians.

When Arab militants violate international laws of war to set up missile launchers in civilian locations such as mosques, hospitals, and schools, and then they launch from there, expecting the civilian presence to shield them from counterattack (a second violation of law), the IDF evacuates the civilians before the counterattack.  By law, the IDF is not required to do this:  When the opponent violates the law by converting a civilian location into a military location, by law that location may legally be attacked as a legitimate military location.  The militants by their action have converted the location.  When that occurs, wise civilians will flee that area unless prevented from doing so.  Foolish civilians will naively stay, either trusting in the good-heartedness of their opponents to not attack, or for the purpose of willingly laying down their lives in support of their own army.

Beyond all that, this again begs the question: What genocide?  When the IDF establishes and protects civilian tent cities for its enemy – how does that accomplish any genocidal goals?  Israel is not genocidal against anyone, not even against its most committed enemies.

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