Second hand smoke – new Israeli study

23 Aug 2023, Israel:  A new legal proposition in Israel does not even address the problem of second-hand smoke.  Yet, a new study shows that half of Israeli households are exposed to 2nd-hand smoke from the neighbors; and that a smoking household can affect up to 10 other households.

"Half of households exposed to neighbors' second-hand smoke," Jerusalem Post, 23 Aug 2023 pg 6.
“Half of households exposed to neighbors’ second-hand smoke,” Jerusalem Post, 23 Aug 2023 pg 6.


"A breath of fresh air," Jerusalem Post, 24 Aug 2023, pg 9.
“A breath of fresh air,” Jerusalem Post, 24 Aug 2023, pg 9.


Consider that Israel is a relatively new state in the modern world, and missing some of the accepted laws and rules which are common in other states.

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