When 2nd Iranian attack?

April 2024 brought history’s first direct Iranian attack on Israel after Israel claimed responsibility for bombing Iranian proxy Houthi assets in Yemen.  Now the US seems to be constantly warning the world about Iran’s next attack now that the leader of Hamas, another one of Iran’s proxies, was killed in the early morning of July 31 by a mysterious bomb planted in his bedroom in Tehran.  Israel has not claimed responsibility.

I suspect the US is using the threat of Iranian attack as a way to motivate Israel to settle a ceasefire deal quickly. And yet the US was evidently not interested in pressuring Hamas to even show up at the meetings for closing the deal.  No public pressure appeared; and in contrast, Hamas very publicly announced their refusal to attend the negotiations this week.  Which begs the question – does Hamas even want a ceasefire?  Why pressure Israel to create a ceasefire that Hamas does not even want?

Henry Kissinger once noted that the US must not push for a peace deal more than the negotiating parties.


Headlines: “Iran attack could come without warning, possibly in the next few days, says US;”

“Even Israel forgot about Iran’s nukes: Sources divided whether Jerusalem prepared to stop Tehran getting the bomb;”

Jerusalem Post, 16 Aug 2024 pg 1.
Jerusalem Post, 16 Aug 2024 pg 1.


Meanwhile, Arabic cartoonists mock Iran for delays, as well as weak responses to Israel:

Tiny Iranian missile attached to an extraordinarily long fuse.
Jordanians with bird nets attempting to stop Iranian missiles from reaching Israel
A ridiculously large missile mounted to an Iranian tank, which conceals several hidden smaller missiles resulting a little drone eventually being launched.

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Related:   Another deal in the works: Here are the main points



Bomb in Haniyeh's bedroom was planted 2 months prior: NY Times.  https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/01/world/middleeast/how-hamas-leader-haniyeh-killed-iran-bomb.html 

Will Israel pay a price for forgetting Iran's nuclear program? Jerusalem Post:  https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/article-814958

Iran attack could come without warning, US says: Jerusalem Post:  https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-814955
Satirical cartoons in the Arab press lampoon Iran for delayed attack on Israel:  https://www.timesofisrael.com/satirical-cartoons-in-the-arab-press-lampoon-iran-for-delaying-attack-on-israel/